Bug#1082297: gnome-shell: Crashes gdm on startup

Mourad De Clerck bugs-debian at aquazul.com
Thu Sep 19 23:47:58 BST 2024

On 9/19/24 20:45, Jeremy Bícha wrote:
> Could you try plugging in a keyboard and see if that avoids the issue?

Yes, makes no difference.

> If you revert to using gjs 1.80.2-1 from Unstable/Testing, does that
> avoid the issue?

Also makes no difference.

However, I managed to find a way to workaround and reproduce it:

I moved the dconf settings in /var/lib/gdm3 (the Debian-gdm user's home) 
aside, and restarted gdm. This made it work again.

Next, I enabled the OSK in the greeter's accessibility menu. On restart 
it crashed again. So it seems having the OSK enabled in gsettings/dconf 
when gdm starts makes it crash.

-- M

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