Bug#1064456: libenchant-2: New upstream location, new version 2.8.2

Philipp Matthias Hahn pmhahn at pmhahn.de
Thu Sep 26 07:13:30 BST 2024

Dear fellow DD,

looks like "enchant" is no longer maintained upstream by "AbiWord", but
maintainership was transferred to "Reuben Thomas" and now lives at
<https://github.com/rrthomas/enchant/> respective

I tried to find some "proof" of official maintainership transfer, but so
far did not find any proof. "abisource.com" looks dead. The only hint I
found is that <https://github.com/AbiWord/enchant> now redirects to

There also are new releases at
<https://github.com/rrthomas/enchant/releases>, current is v2.8.2.

Philipp Hahn

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