[Pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#733195: Bug#733195: gnupg: quoted printable character in armor

Kingsley G. Morse Jr. kingsley at loaner.com
Wed Jan 8 19:50:45 UTC 2014

Hi Thijs,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

They are much clearer than gnupg's error message.

You very nicely asked

> What is the bug?

I can think of two:

    1.) Not undoing quoted-printable encoding.

        It seems to me that gnupg might ask the
        user if he or she would like it to undo
        quoted-printable encoding

        Maybe this code could be copied from mutt,
        and inserted where gnupg would otherwise

            gpg: malformed CRC
            gpg: encrypted_mdc packet with unknown version 255
            gpg: quoted printable character in armor - probably a buggy MTA has been used

    2.) Reporting a terse and misleading error

        It seems to me that more people could
        protect their privacy if gnupg were easier
        to use.

        I humbly suggest something more user-friendly,
        like what you wrote:

            gpg: I found a malformed cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and 
            gpg: an encrypted_mdc packet with unknown version number of 255.
            gpg: These can happen when data is encoded in a quoted printable format.
            gpg: Would you like me to try to undo the quoted printable format?
            [y/n] ?

Does that make sense?


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