[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#771977: [Pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#771976: Insists upon locking trustdb even for read-only operations

Elliott Mitchell ehem+debian at m5p.com
Tue Sep 22 00:39:48 UTC 2015

Looks like there is a need to prod upstream again.

While EROFS won't guarentee other systems don't have the filesystem
mounted read-write, nor even that the same host doesn't have it mounted
read-write elsewhere it does greatly reduce the likelyhood of this being
an issue.

GPG must be able to deal with corrupt data anyway, if it cannot then this
is a security hole anyway and needs to be fixed.

Rather more fundamentally, being unable to lock the DB shouldn't cause
an operation like --list-keys to *fail*.  Outputting warnings and
returning a warning status code (alas, the man page says all non-zero
statuses are errors) would be okay, but completely failing to complete
the operation is unacceptable.

Worst case, bugs will need to be filed against APT and other packages
that expect GnuPG to behave in a conventional manner.

(\___(\___(\______          --=> 8-) EHM <=--          ______/)___/)___/)
 \BS (    |         EHeM+sigmsg at m5p.com  PGP 87145445         |    )   /
  \_CS\   |  _____  -O #include <stddisclaimer.h> O-   _____  |   /  _/
8A19\___\_|_/58D2 7E3D DDF4 7BA6 <-PGP-> 41D1 B375 37D0 8714\_|_/___/5445

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