[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#831409: ltsp-client lacks gnupg / gnupg2 for apt-key to work

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at debian.org
Mon Sep 5 06:58:34 UTC 2016

On 2016-09-03, Werner Koch wrote:
> On Sat,  3 Sep 2016 05:24, vagrant at debian.org said:
>>> If you've got it in ascii-armored format and aren't sure how to decode
>>> it, you should be able to do that with a short awk | base64 -d pipeline:
>>>   awk '/^$/{ x = 1; } /^[^=-]/{ if (x) { print $0; } ; }' | base64 -d 
>> Thanks!
> Or simply use
>   gpg --dearmor <input >output
> to strip an OpenPGP armor.

Thanks for the suggestion!

This is much simpler, as "gpg --dearmor" appears to not require
detecting which kind of key is being passed. It outputs a binary key if
passed a binary key, and dearmors an ascii-armored key into a binary key
appropriately, and if a other data is passed, issues an error.

Hopefully it keeps this behavior into the forseeable future, but appears
to work with both gnupg 1.4.x and gnupg 2.1.x so far...

Since ltsp-build-client is happening server-side, this can just be made
a dependency of the ltsp-server package.



Thanks everyone!

live well,
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