[pkg-gnupg-maint] some news about 'Crypt::GPG' [aftermath of Debian Bug Report #875124]

Dimitar Ivanov drimiks at freeshell.de
Sat Sep 1 23:26:34 BST 2018


about 1 year ago I wanted to use on Debian the latest available package of 
'Crypt::GPG' (https://metacpan.org/pod/release/AGUL/Crypt-GPG-1.64/GPG.pm). 
After some modifications and a bugfix on deleting tmp-files, it worked fine for 
encrypting, decrypting, and signing documents (also the test suite run without 
errors). Since then I'm using it on Debian GNU/Linux 7.11 (Wheezy with 'gpg' v. 
1.4.12 ) and Debian GNU/Linux 9.5 (Stretch with 'gpg' v. 2.1.18) without any 
problems. At the same time I tried to contact the upstream author Ashish 
Gulhati (in Cc) in September 2017 and send him an email considering the 
modifications and also doing a suggestion for a new release, which should work 
then with GnuPG versions 1.x and 2.x. Unfortunately I didn't receive any 
response - it seems that upstream (in CC of this mail) is no more active where 
the last modification on CPAN is from "20 Sep 2014 04:12:11 GMT".

Since my estimated probability that 'libcrypt-gpg-perl' will be resurrected
in Debian is near zero, I'm trying to make (a new unofficial version of) the
package available to the debian-community by choosing an alternative
plan. I've prepared a tgz-archive and an unofficial deb-package
('libcrypt-gpg-perl_1.65.0-1.unofficial_all.deb') which I want to put on
my web-page http://gnu.mirendom.net/.

Yet before doing so, I'll appreciate your opinion about the issue. Also, if
someone of the gnupg-packaging team is interested in testing or reviewing
the package, I'll provide it to him via a private communication.

Dimitar Ivanov

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