[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#923068: Bug#923068: pinentry-gtk2 takes more than twenty seconds to appear

fulvio ciriaco oivulf at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 06:30:39 GMT 2019

Dear Daniel,
the delay does not happen when getpin is called directly as in
echo getpin | pinentry-gtk2
but it happens when for example I invoke 
pass show something

I read the thread for bug 800032 you pointed me to and noticed that on another machine
I have there is no delay. I noticed that on the other machine, my wm awesome is launched
directly, on the machine where the delay happens it is called through:
exec dbus-launch awesome
so I guess dbus-launch has to do with the problem.

Best regards

On 2/26/19 8:49 AM, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> Control: tags 923068 + moreinfo
> Hi fc--
> On Sat 2019-02-23 20:16:03 +0100, fc wrote:
>> When pinentry-gtk2 is started, the input window appears after more
>> than twenty seconds. For comparison pinentry-gnome3 and pinentry-qt
>> appear in less than two seconds for the same request.
> Can you take a look at https://bugs.debian.org/800032 to see whether
> anything there looks like it might be a functioning workaround for you?
> also, it's not clear to me whether you've tried pinentry-gtk2 directly,
> or whether you're measuring a delay from the use of (for example) gpg or
> gpgsm, via gpg-agent.
> to test pinentry-gtk2 on its own, i'd recommend doing the following from
> a terminal:
>     echo getpin | pinentry-gtk-2
> This should prompt you (immediately!) for a passphrase, and then echo
> that passphrase to stdout.  for example:
>     0 dkg at alice:~$ echo getpin | pinentry-gtk-2 
>     OK Pleased to meet you
>     D abvc
>     OK
>     0 dkg at alice:~$
> Does that cause the delay for you?  If not, what steps *do* cause the
> delay?
> Regards,
>          --dkg

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