[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#952797: gpgme1.0 FTCBFS: python3.8 changed interface again

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Jun 24 20:09:37 BST 2020

Control: fixed 952797 1.13.1-7

This was fixed in gpgme 1.13.1-7, but failed to be closed correctly due
to a typo in debian/changelog.  My bad!

On Tue 2020-03-10 09:06:24 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On Tue 2020-03-10 06:23:57 +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
>> So even if the patch means that gpgme cross builds python3-gpg without
>> support for 3.7, I think that's a reasonable compromise when comparing
>> maintenance cost vs. features. I suppose that the majority of cross
>> build users would want the C library and not the Python bindings. Once
>> 3.7 is removed, the issue "heals" itself, so I suggest not spending time
>> on it.
>> Does that work for you?
> The lack of knowledge is unsatisfying, but i'm ok with not spending any
> more time on the issue as i agree with you it's likely to go away :)
>> If Python continues to be annoying, I'd propose the addition of a
>> <!nopython> profile to reduce the scope of cross builds.
> i'm not ready to take this step yet, but it's good to have it in my back
> pocket should we need it.
> thanks for your ongoing attention to the cross-building project -- it's
> important for debian, and i really appreciate your persistence with it!
>        --dkg
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