[pkg-gnupg-maint] Upstream request: Please use the default keyservers

Jonathan McDowell noodles at earth.li
Mon Mar 2 19:38:31 GMT 2020

On Mon, Mar 02, 2020 at 10:20:54AM +0100, Andre Heinecke wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> On Friday 28 February 2020 21:12:07 CET Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> > On Fri 2020-02-28 10:59:58 +0100, Andre Heinecke wrote:
> > Sorry about that.  I've tried to keep this response short, but i failed
> > again :(  I appreciate your followup.
> This is about decision power.
> You are taking our software and changing it. This is not about a Bug it's an
> opinonated decision. You are stealing the maintainership of GnuPG.

That's an extreme view of package curation as part of a Linux

> You are not the maintainer of GnuPG, it's our decision which keyserver is
> default. That you claim the right to just overrule us is free software at its
> worst. We should not have to convice you that our Software does the right
> thing.

dkg is the only active maintainer of GnuPG within Debian. He is the
maintainer of the package there, and as a result gets to make decisions
about how that package works within Debian. It's a fact that a key that
is held within the Debian keyring is corrupted within the SKS network
and will result in a large download that has been known to make GnuPG
unhappy.  That's something that's more likely to affect people using
Debian packages than the wider user base, and it's a decent reason to
make a more cautious choice of keyserver for the distribution package.

> Debian is happly patching away on GnuPG. Ok. But at this point where our own
> user experience on Debian is broken by your changes we have to take a stand.
> This is not a technical issue. You are simply overruling us.

This change is not one that the user is powerless to revert; a single
entry in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf will set the preferred keyserver (and as
someone who runs a keyserver and has found the SKS network unreliable in
the past I don't know why you wouldn't nail your config to a known good
keyserver rather than accepting the default).

(I live dangerously and enable no-self-sigs-only as well because what's
 the point of OpenPGP without the web of trust?)

> For now I still care a bit about debian and will stand up against you. It's
> probably hopeless but some core piece of software like GnuPG might stand a
> chance against even against profesional packagers that can spend their days
> writing long mails.

I care about Debian too, and use GnuPG within it, and I've found dkg to
be a responsive package maintainer who has proactively taken my bug
reports and passed them upstream, often with sufficient extra debugging
to narrow down exactly what the problem is.


... "Unfortunately, no matter how good commercial software is, it gets
    locked up in a tower, later archived to a dungeon, and its grave bears
    no marker." -- adb
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