[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#911189: gpgme-json packaging

Sascha Wilde wilde at intevation.de
Fri Sep 11 14:38:13 BST 2020

Sascha Wilde <wilde at intevation.de> writes:
> As a first step I created a merge request to deploy gpgme-json together
> with the library:
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/gpgme/-/merge_requests/1

After realizing that the current MR breaks multi arch compatibility for
the library I revised it and added a new -bin package, which for now
only provides gpgme-json.

I also added a rudimentary man page for gpgme-json.

> Next I will look into creating specific packages with browser
> manifests...

I have implemented that and created a new merge request:

In addition to the new -bin package two more new packages are created:
- libgpgme-chromium-native-messaging
- libgpgme-firefox-native-messaging

Each of the packages provides a native messaging manifest for the
respective browser which allows using GPGME via gpgme-json for a set of
well known extensions.  For now the only supported extension is
mailvelope but more could be easily added later on.

Upstream encourages distributors to create manifest packages for their
distributions, therefor I think adding these packages here is The Right
Thing To Do™.

Some remarks/requests for comment:

1. Currently the manifest installed for chromium is installed as:

   Upstream recommends a slightly different file name schema[0]:

   As you can see, following this recommendation would mean adding a
   domain.  I'm not sure whether to follow this scheme, and if so, which
   domain to add:  org.debian, org.gnupg or ..?

2. The manifest for chromium is automatically marked configuration file,
   as it resides under /etc, which IMO is correct.  A sysadmin might
   want to edit the manifest, e.g. to add the IDs of further

   However: the manifest for firefox is installed as


   (This is dictated by firefox searching for global manifests in that
   place).  So it is not automatically marked as configuration.  And as
   of compatibility level 12 of debhelper it seems to be no longer
   possible to mark the file as configuration manually (dh_installdeb
   simply ignores any debian/package.conffiles.

   Is there a way to work around this?  For the reason given above I
   think the manifest should be marked as a conffile for firefox,


[0] https://developer.chrome.com/apps/nativeMessaging
Sascha Wilde                                  OpenPGP key: 4365844304077279
http://www.intevation.de/                  http://www.intevation.de/~wilde/
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück; AG Osnabrück, HR B 18998
Geschäftsführer:   Frank Koormann,  Bernhard Reiter,  Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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