[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#911189: gpgme-json packaging

Sébastien Noel sebastien at twolife.be
Wed Jul 17 10:52:06 BST 2024

Le mercredi 17 juillet 2024 à 08:16 +0200, Andreas Metzler a écrit :
> Good morning Sébastien,
> I can understand your unhappiness but sadly cannot do much alleviate
> it.
> Regarding my role in team: I am limiting myself to changes that do
> not
> include policy choices. I cannot take the responsibility of being the
> main maintainer. Adding another binding which requires another piece
> of
> specialized knowledge to maintain it clearly is a policy change, so I
> will not do it.
> cu Andreas

Hello Andreas,

Thanks for taking the time to respond and explain the situation.

So, if I understand you correctly:
gpgme is officially "team maintained" (with you as the only 'active'
member), but is unmaintained in practice ?

What are my options to improve things ?


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