[pkg-GNUstep-maintainers] Re: GNUMail/Pantomime
Matthias Klose
Thu, 5 Aug 2004 20:48:56 +0200
Please not before sarge. We have enough RC reports in GNUstep
dependent packages to resolve for the release...
G=FCrkan Seng=FCn writes:
> Hello
> I guess there is no way that we can have GNUMail and Pantomime from C=
VS instead
> of the tarball releases? I mean I love these thread arcs...
> Eric: let's do something about mknfonts/defoma now. what do you think=
? I remember
> you've sent a lengthy answer what to do. I think there's two possibil=
> 1) Symlink to the font inside .nfont dir (must be relative link), don=
't change FontInfo.plist=20
> (disadvantage: symlink takes an inode, depending on the number of=
fontfile this can
> eat up lotsa diskspace)
> 2) relative path to the font wherever it is in FontInfo.plist (and ad=
d version of nfont pkg,
> as recommended in the nfont info page)
> Personally I'd pick 2, what do you think?
> What about other things like gnustep-cvs tarballs? You don't seem to =
> on IRC anymore. I've got most of my packages updated to the latest gn=
ustep libs
> and renamed them to binary packages ending with .app (or .tool, proba=
> i'll have the latexservice renamed to latex.service)
> Cheers,
> G=FCrkan