[pkg-GNUstep-maintainers] Gorm 0.7.7 released

Eric Heintzmann eric@gnustep.fr.st
Sat, 19 Jun 2004 16:53:33 +0100

On 2004-06-19 16:54:01 +0200 G=FCrkan Seng=FCn <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu> w=

> Hello Evan
> Will you update the Gorm package in Debian to the latest 0.7.7?
> ftp://ftp.gnustep.org/pub/gnustep/dev-apps/Gorm-0.7.7.tar.gz
> Eric, I've seen you updated gnustep-make. After gnustep-base,gui,back =
> updated. Does it make sense to rebuild all packages that depend on=20
> GNUstep-base etc?

Since thera are some binary incompatibilities in base and gui, it make s=
ense to rebuild packages using NSUnarchiver, GSIMapTable, NSView and sub=
But that could be a huge work to determine wich apps are using this clas=
ses, so maybe it's more fast and simple to rebuild all packages ( but on=
ly when gnustep-gui will be available bor all debian architectures).

> What should we call the packages now?

It seems .app and .framework are the most popular.
But we need now to post something in debian-devel.
(I think .app will be accepted but I'm not sure that .framework will be =

> I will remove all binary wrappers from my packages.
Why ?
If this is because of the namespace pollution, you can use .app or the r=
eal apps name with uppercase (ie. textedit.app or TextEdit) or both.

> Eric, if you want I can do Preferences too.
Okay, just do it.
Please use latest CVS version with the Nicolas'color module.
