[pkg-GNUstep-maintainers] Backbone apps

Eric Heintzmann eric@gnustep.fr.st
Sat, 19 Jun 2004 22:04:22 +0100

On 2004-06-19 19:52:59 +0200 Evan Prodromou <evan@debian.org> wrote:

> So, I just ITA'd Preferences.app, which seems to now be part of the
> Backbone project.
>     http://www.nongnu.org/backbone/
> Since Terminal.app is also part of the project, I'd like to possibly
> build all the Backbone apps from a single Backbone source package.

Since Gurkan has already said it want to adopt preferences and he is 
the debian maintainer of the third backbone application : TextEdit, I 
suggest to coordinate your efforts.
Why not co-maintain these apps ?
I suggest to use "Debian GNUstep maintainers 
<pkg-gnustep-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>" in Maintainer field 
and add your names in Uploaders field.
See debian/control file of one of the GNUstep core package to find an 

> Does that sound like a reasonable plan?

I think so, but maybe asking to upstream developers would be better.
