[Debian GNUstep maintainers] GNUstep on SPARC (yes Debian, but not only)
Gürkan Sengün
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 20:38:07 +0100
There is a problem displaying graphics on Debian GNU/Linux with GNUstep on SPARC
(i've got an ultra2 dual-propeller-baby here) and i tried build gnustep (0.9.4) on solaris
and i got acked the problem is the same for everybody using gcc on sparc:
The fix is to set -O (optimiziation) to 0 or 1 for -gui and all the apps that are build on that machine.
Here's the talk from #gnustep on irc.gnustep.org
21:30 < grey_gandalf> #
21:30 < grey_gandalf> # Binary and compile tools
21:30 < grey_gandalf> #
21:30 < grey_gandalf> CC = gcc
21:30 < grey_gandalf> OPTFLAG = -O0
21:30 < grey_gandalf> debcrap, ah :)
21:30 < grey_gandalf> look for that in config.make inside your Makefiles dir
21:30 < tarzeau> rebooting into solaris again to try this
21:30 < grey_gandalf> in System/Makefiles
21:30 < grey_gandalf> as you see I have -O0, set it to -O1
21:30 < grey_gandalf> well, you need the same trick for debian
21:31 < grey_gandalf> all sparc platforms are broken, linux too
21:31 < tarzeau> oh ...
21:31 < tarzeau> that's why some picture elements are not drawn
21:31 < tarzeau> for example the slider button in prefs aclock doesn't show up
21:31 < tarzeau> nor the background tile of it
21:31 < grey_gandalf> exatly
21:31 < grey_gandalf> all pictures are broken :)
21:31 < tarzeau> debian IS BROKEN!
21:31 < grey_gandalf> and most gui elements are TIFFs
21:31 < tarzeau> file a bug!
21:31 < grey_gandalf> well, it is more gcc and -gui
21:32 < tarzeau> so this needs also be changed in where gnustep is installed in some Makefiles?
21:32 < grey_gandalf> tarzeau: OpenBSD and Solaris have the same trouble, so calm down :)
21:32 < tarzeau> in System/Makefiles installed or source?
21:32 < grey_gandalf> installed
21:32 < grey_gandalf> well, this is a hack I did
21:32 < tarzeau> only there? and also recompile gnustep-gui?
21:32 < grey_gandalf> I know there is a way to compile a with -O
21:32 < grey_gandalf> sure your goal is to recompile -gui without opìtimizations !
21:33 < grey_gandalf> how you accomplish tht varies
21:33 < grey_gandalf> ask Deek or someone
21:33 < grey_gandalf> there is a way to run make with -O0 directly without fiddling makefiles