[Debian GNUstep maintainers] Bug#315268: The contents of the miniwindows is not informative
Anton Zinoviev
Anton Zinoviev <anton@lml.bas.bg>, 315268@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 20:57:14 +0300
On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 01:34:06PM +0300, Enrico Sersale wrote:
> I've fixed this but not in the way you suggest. Instead of the current
> selection, the icon represents the base path of the viewer that is
> miniaturized.
I was eager to test the CVS version but not very successfuly. Maybe
because I am using old GNUstep libraries or maybe I am not compiling
GWorkspace the right way (I simply copyed the debian directory from the
debian source package and dpkg-buildpackaged it.)
I could saw how the miniaturized windows look. That way it is better,
however there is still a problem. The Viewers created with Command-V
(probably most of the Viewers) have / as base of the path. Because of
that when miniaturized they all look equally.
> This because using the selection has no sense in the case of the
> spatial viewers. If a viewer is in spatial mode, the selection could
> be the base path of an other viewer window.
I am not sure I understand the problem. But I agree that the selection
is not the best possible thing to display in the miniwindows.
The miniwindow should give as much information about the state of the
miniaturized Viewer as possible. That makes me think that the folder
whose files are visible inside the Viewer is the best candidate to show
in the miniwindow.
Anton Zinoviev