[Debian GNUstep maintainers] Bug#314823: gnustep-back: missing symbol bug is back

Hubert Chan hubert at uhoreg.ca
Mon Jan 9 18:41:03 UTC 2006

On Mon, 09 Jan 2006 02:13:57 -0500, Jeff Gordon <jeff.gordon at wellnow.com> said:

> GNUMail.app returns error on start-up, from libgnustep-back, that is
> _reverse_ of the error reported in June 2005, now saying, "undefined
> symbol", FTC_Manager_LookupSize.

Ugh.  Thanks for letting us know.  I'll try to find out what's going on.

> (This bug is of critical importance, for me -- I have unanswered
> emails sort of "held hostage" in GNUMail's mail cache until this can
> be resolved.)

Uploading a new package won't help you, since we're currently going
through a GNUstep library transition, so the new package won't be
installable for you anyways.

Your best bet is to probably fetch the old package from sarge and
downgrade, and see if that works.

Hubert Chan <hubert at uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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