[Debian GNUstep maintainers] Orphaned GNUstep packages
Yavor Doganov
yavor at gnu.org
Tue Dec 29 14:48:50 UTC 2009
I felt it prudent to send a list/summary of the remaining orphaned
packages, as given the aggressive package removal policy nowadays we
may end up without them for squeeze or squeeze+1. Ideally, we should
find adopters for all of them, and remove those that are not
* batmon.app
There was a new release recently. I have a patch lying somewhere to
port to GNU/kFreeBSD. I wouldn't be a good maintainer for it,
because I don't owe a laptop (in fact I do have an old one, but its
battery is non-functional). I'd be happy to maintain it provided
that someone from the team uses it on a regular basis and does all
required testing.
* charmap.app
This is naturally a useful app, but it still has some subtle bugs.
Dead upstream, but I'll do my best to fix it if nobody wants it.
* displaycalibrator.app
This is useful for certain debugging/testing scenarios, as was
confirmed by someone on -powerpc recently (or not very recently).
If nobody is willing to take it, I'll try to.
* ftp.app
Actively maintained upstream. I've never used a GUI FTP client,
TBH. Anyway, if nobody is willing to adopt it, I'll take it. This
package was revamped to use DO and is much more usable than before.
* gnuwash.app
Not a serious program, and my humble tests show that it's not even
working properly. Perhaps a candidate for removal.
* innerspace.app
I personnaly find it annoying, as it is not a "real" screensaver.
I'm not sure it does what it's supposed to do, but maybe that's only
because I haven't investigated carefully. It's supposed to be
maintained within GAP, but was not touched for years. Tricky code.
Maybe worth preserving, but needs some care.
* latex.service
A very popular service, but I'm not sure if it works now and how it
is supposed to work in the first place. Maybe worth fixing, maybe
worth adopting, maybe for removal -- I can't tell, as I've never
used it or even needed it before.
* mines.app
The classic game, would be sad to see it go away as the last two
removed games (ladder.app and lapispuzzle.app). I don't have any
time for games actually, but will take this one if noone volunteers
(most probably under the umbrella of the Debian Games team, to have
more luck with sponsors).
* open.app
Never used that one and I don't even know what's so special about it
that the gnustep meta-package depends on it. It wasn't needed
before, and I fail to see why it is needed now. Suggest removal.
* poe.app
This is a naive app to tag .ogg files. Although I'm not using it, I
feel some nostalgy as it was one of the first GNUstep apps I've
translated. It could be easily extended to do more, at least for
other formats. Dead upstream. I'll take it if nobody else wants it.
* remotedesk
Never used it because I don't have access to Windows machines since
ages. Suggest removal right now if nobody wants to maintain it
(maintenance presumes remote access to Windows).
* rssreader.app
There are/were several misunderstandings and question marks for this
package. First, the RSSKit framework is under LGPL, so there's no
reason for the .dfsg suffix (I clarified this with upstream
post-factum). Second, it was residing for a long time in the etoile
tree, so I was unwilling to update it as that would mean epoch bump
in the etoile package (and we want to decrease the etoile binary
packages that are maintained elsewhere in the first place). The
package as it is now is broken, because it almost always renders raw
HTML. The new version is a complete redesign, but crashes fairly
often so I consider it even more unusable. Third, the package has
to be renamed to grr.app because Apple had some claims for the "RSS
Reader" brand (how impudent of them; this is a fairly generic name
so it's weird that any trademark issue may arise). RSSKit/Grr was
moved to GAP, but there was no subsequent release. If RSSKit is
released separately, it has to be packaged as a classic framework.
If not, grr.app has to ship it as a private library, like some other
packages do.
* shisen.app
This is my wife's favorite game, so I'll certainly not risk the
danger of a divorce -- will adopt it.
* stepbil.app
Yet another game abandoned by debian-games. Will take it if nobody
likes it.
* stepulator.app
I personally use edenmath.app. Any takers for this one?
Maybe I missed something; we'll see.
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