[Debian GNUstep maintainers] First version of split gnustep-dl2 at mentors

Federico Gimenez Nieto fgimenez at coit.es
Sat Feb 20 11:59:07 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-02-20 at 12:24 +0200, Yavor Doganov wrote: 
> Yes, you're missing libsqlite3-dev.  You also have to uncomment the
> .install file :-)


> No.  One easy way to do it:
> build-stamp:
> 	...
>         $(MAKE) OPTFLAG=$(OPTFLAG) LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS)" messages=yes
> # Relink only DBModeler and GDL2Palette to avoid binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath.
>         for d in DBModeler GDL2Palette; do \
>           $(RM) $$d/$$d.app/$$d $$d/GDL2.palette/GDL2; \
>           $(MAKE) -C $$d OPTFLAG=$(OPTFLAG) messages=yes \
>           LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gnustep-dl2"; \
>         done
> 	...
> install:
> 	...
>         $(RM) $(DEST_DIR)/usr/lib/libEOModeler*
>         $(MAKE) -C EOModeler install DESTDIR=$(DEST_DIR) \
>           GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/gnustep-dl2 \
> 	...
> (Of course you should amend the .install file accordingly.)



> * Why do you install the shlibs manually?  AFAICS this is sufficient:
>     dh_makeshlibs -V -plibgnustep-dl2-0

I followed the recommendation stated at 8.6.4 of the Policy, much better
if it is done automatically, removed

> * Likewise, why you specify the -n argument to dh_makeshlibs and
>   manually create postinst/postrm scripts with ldconfig invocation?
>   Just delete them and let debhelper do its job.

I was getting a lintian warning about the postinst and postrm scripts
generated for the sqlite adaptor, that was in fact empty, now that it
has actual content the warning is gone, -n removed from dh_makeshlibs

> * You don't need any options to dh_shlibdeps.

Ok, removed

> * There is a circular dependency between libgnustep-dl2-0 and the
>   adaptor packages.  Unfortunately I can't see a way to avoid it.

Let me know if i could help with this.

> * The dependency on gorm.app can be relaxed to Recommends, I think.


> * The preinst script is broken -- delete "System" from the paths.

Ah, i forgot, done.

The new version is reuploaded [1], thanks


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