[Debian GNUstep maintainers] Processed: transition: ffmpeg

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Tue Feb 1 22:55:35 GMT 2022

Processing control commands:

> forwarded -1 https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-ffmpeg.html
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to 'https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/auto-ffmpeg.html'.
> block -1 by 1004570
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was not blocked by any bugs.
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004570
> block -1 by 1004573
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004573
> block -1 by 1004574
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004573
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004574
> block -1 by 1004578
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004573 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004578
> block -1 by 1004579
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004573 1004574 1004578
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004579
> block -1 by 1004581
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004578 1004574 1004573 1004579 1004570
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004581
> block -1 by 1004584
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004574 1004579 1004573 1004581 1004578 1004570
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004584
> block -1 by 1004585
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004573 1004579 1004584 1004574 1004570 1004581 1004578
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004585
> block -1 by 1004587
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004581 1004578 1004585 1004573 1004579 1004584 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004587
> block -1 by 1004594
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004585 1004570 1004574 1004573 1004579 1004584
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004594
> block -1 by 1004595
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004585 1004594 1004573 1004579 1004584 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004595
> block -1 by 1004596
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004584 1004573 1004579 1004574 1004570 1004594 1004595 1004585 1004587 1004581 1004578
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004596
> block -1 by 1004597
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004595 1004585 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004574 1004584 1004579 1004573 1004594 1004596 1004570
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004597
> block -1 by 1004598
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004597 1004595 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004585 1004579 1004573 1004584 1004574 1004570 1004596 1004594
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004598
> block -1 by 1004600
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004596 1004594 1004570 1004574 1004573 1004579 1004584 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004585 1004598 1004597 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004600
> block -1 by 1004610
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004584 1004579 1004573 1004574 1004570 1004600 1004596 1004594 1004595 1004597 1004598 1004585 1004581 1004578 1004587
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004610
> block -1 by 1004612
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004579 1004573 1004584 1004574 1004600 1004570 1004596 1004594 1004597 1004595 1004598 1004610 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004585
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004612
> block -1 by 1004613
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004585 1004612 1004598 1004610 1004597 1004595 1004596 1004594 1004600 1004570 1004574 1004579 1004573 1004584
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004613
> block -1 by 1004616
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004612 1004585 1004613 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004595 1004597 1004610 1004598 1004570 1004600 1004596 1004594 1004584 1004579 1004573 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004616
> block -1 by 1004620
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004612 1004616 1004613 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004585 1004597 1004595 1004598 1004610 1004600 1004570 1004596 1004594 1004573 1004579 1004584 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004620
> block -1 by 1004622
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004595 1004597 1004610 1004598 1004616 1004612 1004585 1004613 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004584 1004573 1004579 1004574 1004570 1004600 1004596 1004620 1004594
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004622
> block -1 by 1004623
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004612 1004616 1004585 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004613 1004595 1004597 1004610 1004598 1004570 1004600 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004622 1004584 1004579 1004573 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004623
> block -1 by 1004624
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004587 1004581 1004613 1004578 1004585 1004612 1004616 1004598 1004610 1004597 1004595 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004600 1004570 1004623 1004574 1004573 1004579 1004622 1004584
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004624
> block -1 by 1004625
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004612 1004613 1004585 1004597 1004600 1004573 1004579 1004622 1004584 1004623 1004616 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004595 1004598 1004610 1004570 1004620 1004594 1004596 1004624 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004625
> block -1 by 1004626
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004574 1004624 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004570 1004598 1004610 1004595 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004625 1004616 1004623 1004573 1004579 1004584 1004622 1004600 1004597 1004613 1004585 1004612
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004626
> block -1 by 1004627
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004570 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004625 1004616 1004598 1004610 1004595 1004600 1004623 1004573 1004579 1004622 1004584 1004613 1004585 1004612 1004597
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004627
> block -1 by 1004628
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004570 1004620 1004594 1004596 1004595 1004610 1004598 1004616 1004625 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004622 1004584 1004573 1004579 1004623 1004600 1004597 1004612 1004585 1004627 1004613
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004628
> block -1 by 1004629
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004612 1004585 1004627 1004613 1004597 1004600 1004622 1004584 1004573 1004579 1004623 1004616 1004628 1004625 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004595 1004610 1004598 1004570 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004626 1004624 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004629
> block -1 by 1004630
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004570 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004595 1004598 1004610 1004628 1004616 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004625 1004573 1004579 1004622 1004584 1004623 1004629 1004600 1004597 1004612 1004627 1004613 1004585
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004630
> block -1 by 1004631
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004610 1004598 1004595 1004625 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004616 1004630 1004628 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004570 1004597 1004585 1004613 1004627 1004612 1004623 1004629 1004584 1004622 1004579 1004573 1004600
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004631
> block -1 by 1004632
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004629 1004623 1004579 1004573 1004622 1004584 1004600 1004631 1004597 1004627 1004613 1004585 1004612 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004570 1004598 1004610 1004595 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004625 1004628 1004630 1004616
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004632
> block -1 by 1004633
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004628 1004630 1004616 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004625 1004595 1004598 1004610 1004570 1004620 1004594 1004596 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004612 1004627 1004613 1004585 1004597 1004632 1004600 1004631 1004573 1004579 1004622 1004584 1004629 1004623
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004633
> block -1 by 1004634
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004585 1004613 1004627 1004612 1004632 1004633 1004597 1004631 1004600 1004629 1004623 1004584 1004622 1004573 1004579 1004625 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004616 1004630 1004628 1004610 1004598 1004595 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004570 1004574 1004624 1004626
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004634
> block -1 by 1004636
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004570 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004595 1004598 1004634 1004610 1004630 1004628 1004616 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004625 1004579 1004573 1004584 1004622 1004629 1004623 1004600 1004631 1004597 1004633 1004632 1004612 1004613 1004627 1004585
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004636
> block -1 by 1004637
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004631 1004600 1004584 1004622 1004579 1004573 1004623 1004629 1004612 1004585 1004613 1004627 1004633 1004597 1004632 1004570 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004616 1004630 1004628 1004625 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004595 1004610 1004636 1004598 1004634
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004637
> block -1 by 1004638
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004595 1004610 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004616 1004630 1004628 1004625 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004570 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004633 1004597 1004632 1004612 1004585 1004613 1004627 1004584 1004622 1004573 1004579 1004629 1004623 1004637 1004631 1004600
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004638
> block -1 by 1004639
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004595 1004610 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004616 1004628 1004630 1004625 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004570 1004620 1004594 1004638 1004596 1004633 1004597 1004632 1004612 1004585 1004627 1004613 1004622 1004584 1004579 1004573 1004623 1004629 1004631 1004637 1004600
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004639
> block -1 by 1004640
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004584 1004622 1004573 1004579 1004629 1004623 1004612 1004585 1004613 1004627 1004639 1004633 1004597 1004632 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004616 1004630 1004628 1004625 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004595 1004610 1004598 1004636 1004634
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004640
> block -1 by 1004641
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004620 1004570 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004625 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004616 1004630 1004628 1004610 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004595 1004640 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004623 1004629 1004584 1004622 1004573 1004579 1004585 1004613 1004627 1004612 1004632 1004633 1004639 1004597
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004641
> block -1 by 1004642
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004570 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004587 1004641 1004578 1004581 1004625 1004628 1004630 1004616 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004610 1004595 1004640 1004600 1004631 1004637 1004629 1004623 1004579 1004573 1004622 1004584 1004627 1004613 1004585 1004612 1004632 1004597 1004639 1004633
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004642
> block -1 by 1004718
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004640 1004631 1004637 1004600 1004629 1004623 1004622 1004584 1004573 1004579 1004585 1004627 1004613 1004612 1004632 1004633 1004639 1004597 1004620 1004594 1004638 1004596 1004570 1004574 1004626 1004642 1004624 1004625 1004587 1004641 1004581 1004578 1004616 1004628 1004630 1004610 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004718
> block -1 by 1004719
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004613 1004627 1004585 1004612 1004632 1004597 1004639 1004633 1004640 1004600 1004637 1004631 1004629 1004623 1004579 1004573 1004584 1004622 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004641 1004625 1004630 1004628 1004616 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004620 1004570 1004574 1004624 1004642 1004626
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004719
> block -1 by 1004720
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004595 1004718 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004610 1004628 1004630 1004616 1004587 1004641 1004581 1004578 1004625 1004626 1004624 1004642 1004574 1004570 1004620 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004597 1004633 1004639 1004632 1004612 1004627 1004613 1004585 1004579 1004573 1004622 1004584 1004629 1004623 1004719 1004600 1004631 1004637 1004640
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004720
> block -1 by 1004721
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004594 1004570 1004633 1004585 1004612 1004629 1004579 1004584 1004622 1004600 1004637 1004631 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004642 1004632 1004597 1004639 1004613 1004627 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004721
> block -1 by 1004722
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004613 1004627 1004639 1004597 1004632 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004642 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004584 1004622 1004579 1004629 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004570 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004620 1004624 1004626 1004574
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004722
> block -1 by 1004760
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004584 1004622 1004579 1004629 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004639 1004597 1004722 1004632 1004613 1004627 1004573 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004642
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004760
> block -1 by 1004762
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004722 1004632 1004639 1004597 1004627 1004613 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004720 1004628 1004630 1004642 1004633 1004585 1004612 1004629 1004760 1004622 1004584 1004579 1004631 1004637 1004721 1004600 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004641 1004616 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004620 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004570
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004762
> block -1 by 1004763
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004573 1004613 1004627 1004722 1004632 1004639 1004597 1004642 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004629 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004579 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004596 1004638 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004570 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004625 1004641 1004616 1004610 1004718 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004763
> block -1 by 1004764
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004762 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004579 1004629 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004763 1004642 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004613 1004627 1004639 1004597 1004722 1004632
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004764
> block -1 by 1004766
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004763 1004642 1004613 1004627 1004632 1004722 1004597 1004639 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004573 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004594 1004620 1004570 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004764 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004629 1004579 1004584 1004622 1004760
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004766
> block -1 by 1004767
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004641 1004625 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004570 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004579 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004629 1004721 1004600 1004631 1004637 1004766 1004764 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004628 1004630 1004720 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004642 1004763 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004722 1004627 1004613 1004573 1004623 1004719 1004640
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004767
> block -1 by 1004768
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004579 1004629 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004764 1004766 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004570 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004573 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004597 1004722 1004632 1004613 1004627 1004642 1004763 1004767 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004578 1004581 1004587
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004768
> block -1 by 1004769
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004579 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004570 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004641 1004625 1004573 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004613 1004627 1004642 1004763 1004767 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004578 1004581 1004587
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004769
> block -1 by 1004770
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004616 1004641 1004625 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004769 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004594 1004620 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004579 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004767 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004763 1004642 1004613 1004627 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004770
> block -1 by 1004771
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004573 1004627 1004613 1004768 1004632 1004722 1004597 1004639 1004763 1004642 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004628 1004630 1004720 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004767 1004770 1004766 1004764 1004721 1004600 1004631 1004637 1004629 1004579 1004760 1004622 1004584 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004769 1004570 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004771
> block -1 by 1004772
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004642 1004763 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004770 1004767 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004722 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004613 1004627 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004762 1004570 1004769 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004641 1004616 1004629 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004771 1004579 1004764 1004766 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004633 1004585 1004612
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004772
> block -1 by 1004774
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004764 1004766 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004629 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004579 1004771 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004596 1004638 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004570 1004769 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004625 1004641 1004616 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004573 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004722 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004763 1004642 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004770 1004767
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004774
> block -1 by 1004776
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004767 1004770 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004774 1004642 1004763 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004573 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004641 1004625 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004769 1004570 1004596 1004638 1004762 1004594 1004620 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004771 1004579 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004776
> block -1 by 1004777
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004570 1004769 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004620 1004762 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004764 1004766 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004771 1004579 1004629 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004763 1004642 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004774 1004776 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004770 1004767 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004639 1004597 1004722 1004632 1004768
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004777
> block -1 by 1004778
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004774 1004776 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004770 1004767 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004763 1004642 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004639 1004597 1004722 1004632 1004768 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004570 1004769 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004721 1004764 1004766 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004579 1004771 1004777 1004629
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004778
> block -1 by 1004779
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004624 1004626 1004778 1004574 1004769 1004570 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004620 1004762 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004641 1004625 1004771 1004579 1004777 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004629 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004642 1004763 1004767 1004770 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004573 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004613 1004627 1004772
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004779
> block -1 by 1004782
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004722 1004768 1004632 1004639 1004597 1004772 1004627 1004613 1004779 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004720 1004628 1004630 1004642 1004763 1004633 1004585 1004612 1004629 1004760 1004622 1004584 1004777 1004579 1004771 1004766 1004764 1004631 1004637 1004721 1004600 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004641 1004616 1004574 1004778 1004626 1004624 1004762 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004570 1004769
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004782
> block -1 by 1004783
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004573 1004627 1004613 1004772 1004779 1004768 1004632 1004722 1004597 1004639 1004763 1004642 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004776 1004774 1004628 1004630 1004720 1004782 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004767 1004770 1004766 1004764 1004721 1004600 1004631 1004637 1004629 1004777 1004579 1004771 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004769 1004570 1004778 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004783
> block -1 by 1004784
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004763 1004642 1004630 1004628 1004782 1004720 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004779 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004769 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004762 1004624 1004626 1004778 1004574 1004616 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004579 1004771 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004612 1004585 1004633
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004784
> block -1 by 1004785
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004764 1004766 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004629 1004579 1004771 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004769 1004570 1004778 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004573 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004779 1004784 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004597 1004639 1004763 1004642 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004782 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004767 1004770
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004785
> block -1 by 1004787
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004633 1004585 1004612 1004629 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004777 1004771 1004579 1004766 1004764 1004631 1004637 1004721 1004600 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004641 1004783 1004616 1004574 1004778 1004626 1004624 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004570 1004769 1004722 1004768 1004632 1004639 1004597 1004772 1004627 1004613 1004784 1004779 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004720 1004782 1004628 1004630 1004642 1004763
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004787
> block -1 by 1004788
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004722 1004768 1004632 1004639 1004597 1004772 1004627 1004613 1004784 1004779 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004782 1004720 1004628 1004630 1004642 1004763 1004633 1004585 1004612 1004629 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004777 1004579 1004771 1004766 1004764 1004631 1004637 1004721 1004600 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004641 1004783 1004616 1004574 1004778 1004787 1004626 1004624 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004570 1004769
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004788
> block -1 by 1004789
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004597 1004639 1004768 1004632 1004722 1004779 1004784 1004627 1004613 1004772 1004573 1004623 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004767 1004770 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004628 1004630 1004720 1004782 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004776 1004774 1004642 1004763 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004777 1004579 1004788 1004771 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004629 1004721 1004600 1004631 1004637 1004766 1004764 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004641 1004783 1004625 1004626 1004624 1004778 1004787 1004574 1004769 1004570 1004762 1004594 1004620 1004596 1004638
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004789
> block -1 by 1004791
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004785 1004573 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004779 1004784 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004597 1004639 1004763 1004642 1004578 1004789 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004782 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004767 1004770 1004764 1004766 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004629 1004771 1004579 1004788 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004762 1004769 1004570 1004787 1004778 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004791
> block -1 by 1004792
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004616 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004769 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004624 1004626 1004787 1004778 1004574 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004600 1004791 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004771 1004788 1004579 1004777 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004629 1004630 1004628 1004782 1004720 1004581 1004789 1004578 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004763 1004642 1004779 1004784 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004785
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004792
> block -1 by 1004793
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004791 1004600 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004579 1004788 1004771 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004769 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004762 1004624 1004626 1004787 1004778 1004574 1004616 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004785 1004779 1004784 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004792 1004763 1004642 1004630 1004628 1004782 1004720 1004578 1004789 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004634
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004793
> block -1 by 1004794
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004624 1004626 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004570 1004769 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004788 1004771 1004579 1004777 1004629 1004637 1004631 1004791 1004600 1004721 1004764 1004766 1004633 1004793 1004612 1004585 1004642 1004763 1004770 1004767 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004782 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004774 1004776 1004581 1004578 1004789 1004587 1004573 1004785 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004597 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004784 1004779 1004772 1004613 1004627
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004794
> block -1 by 1004795
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004764 1004766 1004600 1004791 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004629 1004771 1004579 1004788 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004585 1004612 1004793 1004633 1004638 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004762 1004769 1004570 1004787 1004778 1004574 1004624 1004626 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004785 1004573 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004779 1004784 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004792 1004597 1004639 1004763 1004642 1004581 1004789 1004578 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004782 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004794 1004767 1004770
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004795
> block -1 by 1004796
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004640 1004719 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004784 1004779 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004795 1004763 1004642 1004774 1004776 1004581 1004578 1004789 1004587 1004782 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004794 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004770 1004767 1004764 1004766 1004637 1004631 1004791 1004600 1004721 1004629 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004788 1004579 1004771 1004777 1004585 1004612 1004633 1004793 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004570 1004769 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004624 1004626 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004616 1004610 1004718 1004595
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004796
> block -1 by 1004797
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004573 1004623 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004597 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004792 1004779 1004784 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004767 1004770 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004794 1004796 1004630 1004628 1004720 1004782 1004578 1004789 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004788 1004771 1004579 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004600 1004791 1004721 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004793 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004626 1004787 1004778 1004574 1004769 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004594 1004762 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004783 1004641 1004625
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004797
> block -1 by 1004799
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004638 1004596 1004769 1004570 1004778 1004787 1004574 1004626 1004624 1004641 1004783 1004625 1004616 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004766 1004764 1004721 1004797 1004600 1004791 1004631 1004637 1004629 1004777 1004579 1004771 1004788 1004760 1004622 1004584 1004585 1004612 1004793 1004633 1004763 1004795 1004642 1004587 1004581 1004578 1004789 1004776 1004774 1004628 1004630 1004782 1004720 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004796 1004794 1004767 1004770 1004640 1004719 1004623 1004785 1004573 1004627 1004613 1004772 1004779 1004784 1004768 1004632 1004792 1004722 1004597 1004639
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004799
> block -1 by 1004800
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004799 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004784 1004779 1004642 1004795 1004763 1004794 1004796 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004770 1004767 1004774 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004581 1004587 1004782 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004629 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004579 1004788 1004771 1004777 1004764 1004766 1004637 1004631 1004791 1004600 1004721 1004797 1004633 1004793 1004585 1004612 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004624 1004626 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004570 1004769 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004616
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004800
> block -1 by 1004801
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004573 1004785 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004799 1004597 1004792 1004722 1004768 1004632 1004784 1004779 1004772 1004627 1004613 1004642 1004795 1004763 1004770 1004767 1004796 1004794 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004720 1004782 1004628 1004630 1004776 1004774 1004587 1004578 1004581 1004789 1004760 1004622 1004584 1004777 1004579 1004771 1004788 1004629 1004631 1004800 1004637 1004797 1004721 1004600 1004791 1004766 1004764 1004633 1004793 1004612 1004585 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004778 1004787 1004570 1004769 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004783
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004801
> block -1 by 1004802
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004784 1004779 1004772 1004627 1004613 1004639 1004799 1004597 1004792 1004722 1004768 1004632 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004785 1004623 1004720 1004782 1004801 1004628 1004630 1004776 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004789 1004578 1004770 1004767 1004796 1004794 1004634 1004636 1004598 1004795 1004763 1004642 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004793 1004631 1004800 1004637 1004797 1004721 1004791 1004600 1004766 1004764 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004777 1004788 1004579 1004771 1004629 1004616 1004625 1004641 1004783 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004570 1004769 1004762 1004620 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004626 1004624 1004574 1004778 1004787
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004802
> block -1 by 1004803
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004794 1004796 1004630 1004801 1004628 1004782 1004720 1004789 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004597 1004799 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004792 1004779 1004784 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004573 1004623 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004624 1004626 1004787 1004778 1004802 1004574 1004769 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004793 1004633 1004612 1004585 1004771 1004579 1004788 1004777 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004629 1004600 1004791 1004797 1004721 1004800 1004637 1004631 1004764 1004766
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004803
> block -1 by 1004804
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004795 1004763 1004642 1004803 1004720 1004782 1004630 1004801 1004628 1004774 1004776 1004789 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004770 1004767 1004794 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004785 1004623 1004784 1004779 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004639 1004597 1004799 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004570 1004769 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004624 1004626 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004616 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004800 1004637 1004631 1004791 1004600 1004721 1004797 1004764 1004766 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004771 1004788 1004579 1004777 1004629 1004612 1004585 1004633 1004793
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004804
> block -1 by 1004805
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004791 1004600 1004797 1004721 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004764 1004766 1004579 1004788 1004771 1004777 1004584 1004760 1004622 1004629 1004804 1004612 1004585 1004793 1004633 1004769 1004570 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004594 1004762 1004624 1004626 1004787 1004778 1004802 1004574 1004616 1004783 1004641 1004625 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004719 1004640 1004573 1004623 1004785 1004779 1004784 1004613 1004627 1004772 1004597 1004799 1004639 1004632 1004768 1004722 1004792 1004763 1004795 1004803 1004642 1004630 1004801 1004628 1004782 1004720 1004789 1004578 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004776 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004794 1004796
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004805
> block -1 by 1004806
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004799 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004784 1004779 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004794 1004796 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004770 1004767 1004774 1004776 1004581 1004578 1004789 1004587 1004782 1004720 1004630 1004628 1004801 1004804 1004629 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004771 1004579 1004788 1004777 1004764 1004766 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004600 1004791 1004721 1004797 1004633 1004793 1004585 1004805 1004612 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004624 1004626 1004638 1004596 1004762 1004594 1004620 1004570 1004769 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004616
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004806
> block -1 by 1004807
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004768 1004632 1004792 1004722 1004799 1004597 1004639 1004627 1004613 1004772 1004779 1004784 1004623 1004785 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004634 1004598 1004636 1004796 1004794 1004767 1004770 1004587 1004578 1004789 1004581 1004776 1004774 1004801 1004628 1004630 1004720 1004782 1004803 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004793 1004633 1004585 1004612 1004805 1004629 1004804 1004806 1004777 1004771 1004788 1004579 1004622 1004760 1004584 1004766 1004764 1004721 1004797 1004600 1004791 1004631 1004637 1004800 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004641 1004783 1004625 1004616 1004778 1004787 1004574 1004802 1004626 1004624 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004596 1004638 1004769 1004570
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004807
> block -1 by 1004808
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004579 1004771 1004788 1004777 1004806 1004804 1004629 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004600 1004791 1004797 1004721 1004764 1004766 1004633 1004793 1004805 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004626 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004570 1004769 1004638 1004596 1004594 1004620 1004762 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004573 1004785 1004623 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004597 1004799 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004784 1004779 1004772 1004613 1004627 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004770 1004767 1004794 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004782 1004720 1004807 1004630 1004628 1004801 1004774 1004776 1004581 1004578 1004789 1004587
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004808
> block -1 by 1004809
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004616 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004624 1004626 1004596 1004638 1004594 1004762 1004620 1004570 1004769 1004633 1004793 1004585 1004612 1004805 1004806 1004804 1004629 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004771 1004788 1004579 1004777 1004764 1004766 1004800 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004791 1004721 1004797 1004794 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004634 1004770 1004767 1004774 1004776 1004789 1004581 1004578 1004587 1004782 1004720 1004630 1004807 1004628 1004801 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004799 1004772 1004808 1004613 1004627 1004784 1004779 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004809
> block -1 by 1004810
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004806 1004804 1004629 1004584 1004622 1004760 1004579 1004788 1004771 1004777 1004764 1004766 1004800 1004637 1004631 1004600 1004791 1004721 1004797 1004633 1004793 1004585 1004805 1004612 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004778 1004624 1004626 1004809 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004762 1004594 1004570 1004769 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004783 1004641 1004616 1004785 1004623 1004573 1004640 1004719 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004768 1004639 1004597 1004799 1004772 1004613 1004808 1004627 1004784 1004779 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004794 1004796 1004598 1004636 1004634 1004770 1004767 1004774 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004581 1004587 1004782 1004720 1004807 1004630 1004628 1004801
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004810
> block -1 by 1004811
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004634 1004794 1004581 1004587 1004774 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004799 1004639 1004632 1004722 1004792 1004779 1004772 1004809 1004624 1004787 1004802 1004574 1004769 1004594 1004762 1004810 1004783 1004641 1004579 1004788 1004622 1004629 1004804 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004803 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004767 1004770 1004636 1004598 1004796 1004630 1004807 1004801 1004628 1004720 1004782 1004789 1004578 1004776 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004613 1004808 1004627 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004616 1004625 1004771 1004777 1004584 1004760 1004806 1004791 1004797 1004721 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004766 1004793 1004633 1004805
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004811
> block -1 by 1004812
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004811 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004799 1004792 1004722 1004632 1004779 1004772 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004622 1004579 1004788 1004804 1004629 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004809 1004574 1004802 1004787 1004769 1004594 1004762 1004810 1004641 1004783 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004627 1004613 1004808 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004770 1004767 1004796 1004598 1004636 1004720 1004782 1004801 1004628 1004807 1004630 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004760 1004584 1004777 1004771 1004806 1004631 1004637 1004800 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004766 1004633 1004793 1004805 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004625
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004812
> block -1 by 1004813
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004581 1004587 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004639 1004799 1004772 1004779 1004785 1004811 1004640 1004719 1004810 1004783 1004641 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004624 1004809 1004594 1004762 1004769 1004585 1004612 1004804 1004629 1004622 1004788 1004579 1004764 1004600 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004720 1004782 1004807 1004630 1004801 1004628 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004768 1004597 1004613 1004808 1004627 1004784 1004623 1004573 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004616 1004778 1004626 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004570 1004633 1004793 1004805 1004812 1004806 1004584 1004760 1004771 1004777 1004766 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004791 1004797 1004721
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004813
> block -1 by 1004814
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004782 1004720 1004628 1004801 1004630 1004807 1004776 1004789 1004578 1004770 1004767 1004796 1004598 1004636 1004795 1004763 1004642 1004803 1004784 1004627 1004613 1004808 1004597 1004768 1004573 1004623 1004616 1004625 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004570 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004626 1004778 1004805 1004812 1004633 1004793 1004631 1004800 1004637 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004766 1004760 1004584 1004777 1004771 1004806 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004794 1004634 1004779 1004772 1004813 1004639 1004799 1004792 1004722 1004632 1004719 1004640 1004811 1004785 1004641 1004783 1004810 1004769 1004762 1004594 1004624 1004809 1004574 1004802 1004787 1004612 1004585 1004600 1004764 1004622 1004788 1004579 1004804 1004629
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004814
> block -1 by 1004816
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004777 1004771 1004760 1004584 1004806 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004631 1004800 1004637 1004766 1004793 1004633 1004812 1004805 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004814 1004616 1004625 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004627 1004613 1004808 1004803 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004767 1004770 1004636 1004598 1004796 1004628 1004801 1004807 1004630 1004782 1004720 1004789 1004578 1004776 1004788 1004579 1004622 1004629 1004804 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004809 1004624 1004787 1004574 1004802 1004769 1004594 1004762 1004810 1004641 1004783 1004811 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004799 1004639 1004632 1004792 1004722 1004779 1004772 1004813 1004634 1004794 1004587 1004581 1004774
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004816
> block -1 by 1004817
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004620 1004638 1004596 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004814 1004616 1004625 1004777 1004771 1004760 1004584 1004806 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004631 1004637 1004800 1004766 1004793 1004633 1004812 1004805 1004803 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004796 1004801 1004628 1004807 1004630 1004720 1004782 1004578 1004789 1004776 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004627 1004808 1004613 1004809 1004624 1004787 1004574 1004802 1004769 1004762 1004594 1004810 1004816 1004641 1004783 1004579 1004788 1004622 1004629 1004804 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004634 1004794 1004587 1004581 1004774 1004811 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004799 1004639 1004632 1004792 1004722 1004779 1004772 1004813
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004817
> block -1 by 1004819
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004613 1004808 1004627 1004784 1004768 1004597 1004623 1004573 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004782 1004720 1004807 1004630 1004801 1004628 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004770 1004767 1004795 1004763 1004642 1004803 1004805 1004812 1004633 1004793 1004766 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004791 1004797 1004721 1004806 1004584 1004760 1004771 1004777 1004625 1004616 1004814 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004570 1004778 1004626 1004813 1004772 1004779 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004639 1004799 1004640 1004719 1004817 1004785 1004811 1004774 1004581 1004587 1004794 1004634 1004585 1004612 1004764 1004600 1004804 1004629 1004622 1004788 1004579 1004783 1004641 1004816 1004810 1004594 1004762 1004769 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004624 1004809
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004819
> block -1 by 1004820
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004627 1004808 1004613 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004770 1004767 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004720 1004782 1004628 1004801 1004630 1004807 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004760 1004584 1004777 1004771 1004806 1004631 1004800 1004637 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004766 1004633 1004793 1004805 1004812 1004819 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004814 1004625 1004811 1004817 1004785 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004799 1004792 1004722 1004632 1004779 1004772 1004813 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004622 1004579 1004788 1004804 1004629 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004809 1004574 1004802 1004787 1004769 1004594 1004762 1004810 1004816 1004641 1004783
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004820
> block -1 by 1004821
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004622 1004579 1004788 1004804 1004629 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004624 1004809 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004769 1004594 1004762 1004820 1004810 1004816 1004783 1004641 1004785 1004817 1004811 1004719 1004640 1004639 1004799 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004779 1004813 1004772 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004581 1004587 1004584 1004760 1004771 1004777 1004806 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004791 1004721 1004797 1004766 1004633 1004793 1004805 1004812 1004819 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004595 1004610 1004718 1004616 1004814 1004625 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004808 1004613 1004627 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004770 1004767 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004782 1004720 1004807 1004630 1004628 1004801 1004776 1004578 1004789
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004821
> block -1 by 1004822
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004804 1004629 1004622 1004788 1004579 1004764 1004600 1004585 1004612 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004624 1004809 1004594 1004762 1004820 1004769 1004810 1004783 1004641 1004816 1004817 1004785 1004811 1004640 1004719 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004639 1004799 1004821 1004813 1004772 1004779 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004581 1004587 1004806 1004584 1004760 1004771 1004777 1004766 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004791 1004797 1004721 1004633 1004793 1004819 1004805 1004812 1004778 1004626 1004638 1004596 1004620 1004570 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004616 1004814 1004623 1004573 1004768 1004597 1004808 1004613 1004627 1004784 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004782 1004720 1004807 1004630 1004628 1004801
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004822
> block -1 by 1004823
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004623 1004573 1004768 1004597 1004613 1004808 1004627 1004784 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004782 1004720 1004807 1004630 1004628 1004801 1004806 1004584 1004760 1004771 1004822 1004777 1004766 1004637 1004800 1004631 1004791 1004721 1004797 1004633 1004793 1004819 1004805 1004812 1004778 1004626 1004596 1004638 1004620 1004570 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004616 1004814 1004785 1004817 1004811 1004640 1004719 1004722 1004792 1004632 1004639 1004799 1004813 1004821 1004772 1004779 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004581 1004587 1004804 1004629 1004622 1004579 1004788 1004764 1004600 1004585 1004612 1004802 1004574 1004787 1004624 1004809 1004594 1004762 1004820 1004769 1004810 1004783 1004641 1004816
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004823
> block -1 by 1004825
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004778 1004626 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004570 1004610 1004718 1004595 1004625 1004616 1004814 1004806 1004760 1004584 1004822 1004777 1004771 1004766 1004631 1004637 1004800 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004633 1004793 1004819 1004805 1004812 1004642 1004803 1004795 1004763 1004796 1004636 1004598 1004770 1004767 1004776 1004578 1004789 1004782 1004720 1004801 1004628 1004630 1004807 1004623 1004573 1004768 1004597 1004627 1004613 1004808 1004784 1004574 1004802 1004787 1004624 1004809 1004594 1004762 1004820 1004769 1004810 1004641 1004783 1004816 1004804 1004629 1004622 1004788 1004579 1004764 1004600 1004585 1004612 1004794 1004634 1004774 1004587 1004581 1004823 1004811 1004785 1004817 1004640 1004719 1004792 1004722 1004632 1004639 1004799 1004772 1004813 1004821 1004779
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004825
> block -1 by 1004826
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004579 1004788 1004622 1004629 1004804 1004600 1004764 1004612 1004585 1004809 1004624 1004787 1004574 1004802 1004769 1004820 1004594 1004762 1004810 1004816 1004641 1004825 1004783 1004811 1004823 1004785 1004817 1004719 1004640 1004799 1004639 1004632 1004792 1004722 1004779 1004772 1004813 1004821 1004634 1004794 1004587 1004581 1004774 1004777 1004822 1004771 1004760 1004584 1004806 1004797 1004721 1004791 1004631 1004637 1004800 1004766 1004793 1004633 1004812 1004805 1004819 1004626 1004778 1004570 1004620 1004596 1004638 1004595 1004718 1004610 1004814 1004616 1004625 1004573 1004623 1004597 1004768 1004784 1004627 1004808 1004613 1004803 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004767 1004770 1004598 1004636 1004796 1004628 1004801 1004630 1004807 1004782 1004720 1004578 1004789 1004776
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004826
> block -1 by 1004828
Bug #1004831 [release.debian.org] transition: ffmpeg
1004831 was blocked by: 1004793 1004633 1004819 1004812 1004805 1004806 1004777 1004822 1004771 1004760 1004584 1004766 1004721 1004797 1004791 1004631 1004637 1004800 1004718 1004610 1004595 1004625 1004814 1004616 1004778 1004626 1004620 1004638 1004596 1004570 1004768 1004597 1004627 1004808 1004613 1004784 1004623 1004573 1004598 1004636 1004796 1004767 1004770 1004578 1004789 1004776 1004801 1004628 1004630 1004807 1004720 1004782 1004803 1004642 1004763 1004795 1004585 1004612 1004629 1004804 1004788 1004579 1004622 1004764 1004600 1004810 1004825 1004641 1004783 1004816 1004787 1004574 1004802 1004826 1004809 1004624 1004820 1004762 1004594 1004769 1004632 1004792 1004722 1004799 1004639 1004772 1004821 1004813 1004779 1004811 1004823 1004785 1004817 1004640 1004719 1004634 1004794 1004587 1004581 1004774
1004831 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1004831: 1004828

1004831: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1004831
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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