[Pkg-gnutls-maint] Bug#478191: Bug#478191: Is this really the real fix, or only a workaround?

Marc Haber mh+debian-bugs at zugschlus.de
Thu May 22 15:29:22 UTC 2008

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 05:20:21PM +0200, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> I think increasing the limit is necessary since there appeared to be
> some configurations which ran into the earlier limit.  Possibly 48kb is
> excessive, and it could be made smaller.  I think the largest handshake
> we saw in reality was 25kb.

Yes, but it is bound to grow with Debian's ca-certificates package.

> Configuring the list of ca-certificates is possible, as far as I know.
> GnuTLS doesn't do any of this, it is in the application.  I suspect exim
> is using the ca-certificates debian infrastructure.

The exim package does not do anything like that explicitly, and exim's
GnuTLS code is quite rudimentary and certainly not Debian-specific.

>   It seems some people click to trust every CA in the entire world (or
>   close to that)

That seems to be the default when installing Debian's ca-certificates

> Btw, we have fixed the warning message you get when this happens,

That's very good news and will help debugging in the future..

> Possibly we could even revert back to the earlier 16kb limit, if the
> configurations with a lot of CAs are considered excessive and buggy by
> themselves.

So that would be a bug in the ca-certificates package, which I
unfortunately do not know of.


Marc Haber         | "I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
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