Bug#514578: LDAP STARTTLS is broken

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Wed Feb 11 11:19:31 UTC 2009

Brian May <brian at microcomaustralia.com.au> writes:

> Brian May wrote:
>> I consider this fix as very important (I will need it on most of my
>> Lenny installations), and I rather not be using a old unsupported
>> version from unstable if/when security fixes came out for Lenny...
> I downgraded to version 2.4.2-5 and it still works.
> Weird.
> Furthermore, on another box that I just upgraded to Lenny, has never
> has seen 2.4.2-6, it also works
> I'm confused.

Can you provide more details what "works" and "not work" actually means
for you?  Output from gnutls-cli with -d 4711 and --print-cert helps.
The original failure in this bug report is the intended and documented
behaviour, so if you really are seeing the same problem, the problem is
with your cert chains.


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