Bug#482279: [Pkg-gnutls-maint] Bug#482279: libgnutls26: mutt is unable to talk with gmail with "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received." message

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Thu Jun 11 11:47:10 UTC 2009

Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org> writes:

> Sergey Lapin <slapin at ossfans.org> writes:
>> When running mutt with gmeil in folder of about 16000 messages
>> w/o cache, it starts fetching headers then fails with message
>> "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."
> Thanks for the report.  How reproducible is this?  Can you try
> libgnutls26 from testing?
> If it is reproducible with the latest version, please try 'gnutls-cli -d
> 4711' against the server and send the same IMAP commands that mutt did,
> and post the final part of the debug output.
> It could be a server disconnecting you, or a firewall messing with the
> traffic.  Possibly the server could be trying to re-handshake as well,
> and there is some bug.

Sergey, do you still see this problem?


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