Bug#619746: gnutls-bin: [certtool] include useless data when creating a CSR

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Wed Mar 30 19:32:25 UTC 2011

retitle 619746 gnutls-bin: [certtool] please create CSR outputs with stricter permission
tags 619746 + upstream

Hi Nikos!

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:20:04 +0200, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> wrote:
>>>  I don't quite understand what is the issue here. What is the
>>> information contained in the CRQ that you consider "useless"?
>> As I wrote, the "new" CSR (BTW, what does CRQ mean?) contains data other
>> than the request itself, e.g. the password in clear, example below.
> But this is how the PKCS #10 certificate request is designed. The
> challenge password might be used by your CA to revoke your
> certificate, and is stored in the clear.

Thank you for the explanation, I am not a SSL/TLS/CA expert.

> Does actually your CA require that password? I'd expect to ask for
> something like that via an out-band process.

As far as I remember, back in 2008 the CAcert.org we form did not ask me
for any password, but I could be wrong.

>> Previous versions of certtool (at least the one I used in August 2008,
>> <http://snapshot.debian.org/package/gnutls26/2.4.1-1/>) generated a CSR
>> which contained only the part between the BEGIN and END separators.
> Ok, it seems I have misanderstood. I don't see however why printing the
> text form of the encoded request is an issue here. Could you elaborate
> on that?

After your explanation, I do not see any problem with the "full" CSR and
TBH I prefer this way, given that it is easier to know the parameters
you have use to generated your CSR.

> I can understand though that having stricter permissions for the
> generated file might be needed.

Yes, please, it should be the same as `certtool --generate-privkey
--output output.key`, which creates output.key with mode 600.  I changed
the title of this bug to reflect where the problem is ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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