minor memory leak in libgnutls26 pkcs11 initialization

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Mon Feb 4 19:33:26 UTC 2013

On 02/04/2013 02:02 PM, Andreas Metzler wrote:

> It is a little bit spur of a moment thing, I try to do as little
> merging (because it is SVN) as possible, which is why trunk might
> follow unstable or experimental. The stuff I would like to see in
> wheezy is in branch2.12.20-1+wheezy.

Wow, thank you for the quick response, Andreas!  I really appreciate the
work you're doing on gnutls for debian.

You make it sound like svn might be a limiting factor for adopting a
workflow you'd prefer.  have you considered moving the packaging scheme
to a Vcs that supports your preferred workflow?  I know that kind of
transition is a pain to do, but sometimes it can be worth it.  maybe
that's a project for after wheezy is released?

> Thank you for the heads up. Since 2.12.23 just appeared quickly and
> urgently I have just uploaded 2.12.20-4 to unstable. It is essentially
> identical to 2.12.23, except for these parts:
> * gnulib update
> * libtasn1 3.x compability (which requires libtasn1 2.14 OTOH)
>   50a53427580d3ead5a38e492966bad0524e56d19
> * build system changes

I agree that the above changes don't seem reasonable to backport into

> * 0b9d8d6f21dad85038c6de36d8fbd56271263f64 Corrected bug in PGP
>   subpacket encoding
> * The nettle version of "Stricter RSA PKCS #1 1.5 encoding and
>   decoding. Reported by Kikuchi Masashi."

These seem like useful (though more obscure) fixes that are narrow
enough to warrant inclusion in wheezy (or in a point release if it comes
to that).  Other than trying to minimize the debdiff for ease of review
by the release team (which i definitely understand), is there a reason
to keep those out of a stable release?



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