Bug#709301: Bug #709301: libgnutls26: segfaults during handshake

Caronte Estigia sable_laser at yahoo.es
Thu May 23 15:40:07 UTC 2013


In my case, version 1.12 (ii  wget 1.12-2.1  amd64 ) of wget works just fine. 

Version 1.13 (ii  wget  1.13.4-3  amd64  ) segfaults.

If we specify protocol as either TLSv1 or auto wget segfaults. After trying gnutls-cli command a couple of times, something curious happens when we run wget again:

$wget --secure-protocol=auto https://sede.dgt.gob.es
--2013-05-23 17:33:47--  https://sede.dgt.gob.es/
Resolviendo sede.dgt.gob.es (sede.dgt.gob.es)...
Conectando con sede.dgt.gob.es (sede.dgt.gob.es)[]:443... conectado.
GnuTLS: Decryption has failed.
No se pudo establecer la conexión SSL.

$wget --secure-protocol=auto https://sede.dgt.gob.es
--2013-05-23 17:33:57--  https://sede.dgt.gob.es/
Resolviendo sede.dgt.gob.es (sede.dgt.gob.es)...
Conectando con sede.dgt.gob.es (sede.dgt.gob.es)[]:443... conectado.
Violación de segmento (segmentation fault in Spanish)

As you can see the first run produces an error, the second run  (and succesives) produces the segfault.

If we specify protocol as either SSLv2 or SSLv3 program fails with the next error message:

GnuTLS: GnuTLS internal error.

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