Bug#721321: [libgnutls26] Breaks SSL tracker support in Transmission

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Tue Sep 3 14:25:47 UTC 2013

Control: reassign 721321 src:transmission
Control: affects -1 src:gnutls26 src:gnutls28

On 08/30/2013 04:31 AM, Andrea Lorenzetti wrote:
> * gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS warning alert has been received.
> * Closing connection #1
> * Expire cleared
> * Connection #0 seems to be dead!
> * Closing connection #0
> * About to connect() to tracker2.***.com port 443 (#0)
> *   Trying *.*.*.*...
> * 0x7f70340d3e00 is at send pipe head!
> * STATE: CONNECT => WAITCONNECT handle 0x7f703403d610; (connection #0)
> * Connected to tracker2.***.com (*.*.*.*) port 443 (#1)
> * Connected to tracker2.***.com (*.*.*.*) port 443 (#1)
> * found 159 certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
> * STATE: WAITCONNECT => PROTOCONNECT handle 0x7f703403d610; (connection #0)
> * gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS warning alert has been received.
> * Closing connection #0
> * Expire cleared

The problem here appears to be that transmission is treating a TLS
warning alert as fatal, even if it is not.

the warning is that the remote server claimed to not know the
SNI-provided name used upon connection:

0 dkg at alice:~$ gnutls-cli tracker2.tvtorrents.com
Processed 158 CA certificate(s).
Resolving 'tracker2.tvtorrents.com'...
Connecting to ''...
*** Non fatal error: A TLS warning alert has been received.
*** Received alert [112]: The server name sent was not recognized
[...goes on to make a successful connection...]

I'm reassigning this bug the transmission package, which needs to handle
non-fatal alerts more cleanly.  If you think this is inappropriate, feel
free to reassign back to gnutls with more explanation.



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