Bug#737921: [TLS1.2] gnutls only likes SHA1 and SHA256 certificates

Ivan Shmakov ivan at siamics.net
Tue Jul 29 19:55:33 UTC 2014

	I’ve built the patched gnutls26 (now as of 2.12.20-8+deb7u2)
	package with pbuilder and briefly tested Exim (as of 4.80-7)
	with the resulting libgnutls26, and seen no issues so far.

	The resulting packages, both source (signed) and binary (along
	with signed .changes files) are available from the following
	location.  (Should you decide to use these, /please take care/
	to check .dsc and .changes signatures against my public key, and
	binary packages against the .changes files.)

⋯✂⋯ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/99-am-1.org-1gray-test.list ⋯✂⋯
deb     http://am-1.org/~ivan/mini-dinstall/ 1gray-test/$(ARCH)/
deb     http://am-1.org/~ivan/mini-dinstall/ 1gray-test/all/
deb-src http://am-1.org/~ivan/mini-dinstall/ 1gray-test/source/
⋯✂⋯ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/99-am-1.org-1gray-test.list ⋯✂⋯

	For the sake of completeness, the changes are also MIMEd.

FSF associate member #7257	http://boycottsystemd.org/
Public key fingerprint:	58F8 0F47 53F5 2EB2 F6A5  8916 3013 B6A0 230E 334A
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