Avoid being disconnected from sending and receiving mails‏‏

Halmetoja Minna Minna.Halmetoja at varkaus.fi
Fri Jul 8 00:11:21 UTC 2016

Dear Microsoft User,

Starting from today July 7, we will begin verifying customers from Microsoft Webmail to the new Microsoft Outlook spam filter, the process will take a few minutes to complete. Your account is been monitored by some hijackers and you need to verify your account

If you do not agree or fail to verify your account, you will be disconnected from sending and receiving e-mails and your account will be blocked automatically.

Verify Your Microsoft Account<http://verify-outlookweb-app.wapka.mobi/site_0.xhtmlowa/?authRedirect=true#wa=wsignin%%%verify%%%outlook%%webmail>

To keep using this your Microsoft account. Quickly verify today by clicking the link above.

Halmetoja Minna.
The Microsoft Outlook Web Access Admin.

Viesti on tarkastettu roskapostinsuodatus- ja virustorjuntaohjelmistolla.
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