[pkg-go] Packaging a Go binary

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Fri Jun 12 07:28:49 UTC 2015

I think you should try to convince upstream to make their software work
with the HEAD version of all their dependencies, or, if they refuse to do
that, fork the dependencies in question and take over maintenance. Pushing
that burden to the user (what they are doing right now) doesn’t sound like
the best way to me.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Onur Aslan <onur at onur.im> wrote:

> I have a similar question.
> I found a nice software written in go: gogs[1]. It is a lightweight
> gitlab alternative. It was very useful for me and I decided to make a
> Debian package. And soon I realised gogs have tons of external
> dependencies[2]. It seems author is maintaining few modules in different
> repositories for only this project.
> And another issue is gogs is not working well with recent commit of one
> (or more) of its dependencies. For example it's acting weird if you use
> latest version of github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3. As in stated in .gopmfile
> it depends on github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 = commit:e28cd440fa.
> Even if I make standalone packages for dependencies, gogs will most
> likely fail to build or run. Therefore I followed a different path. I
> wrote a simple script to clone and checkout required commit for all
> external dependencies and create proper directory structure for `go
> build` and created a source tarball from this. I know it is not proper
> way and it is not gonna work in Debian but I believe it's only way to
> build this software.
> So question is; is it even possible to release a Debian package for this
> project or should I just give up?
> 1: https://github.com/gogits/gogs
> 2: https://github.com/gogits/gogs/blob/master/.gopmfile
> On 2015-06-02, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> > For the record: I’ll be replying on the thread to pkg-go-maintainers:
> >
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-go-maintainers/Week-of-Mon-20150601/000276.html

Best regards,
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