[pkg-go] RFS: fleet -- Distributed init system using systemd and etcd

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Tue Jun 23 07:34:54 UTC 2015

Sorry for the late reply. In the meantime, we’ve changed the library naming
conventions in http://pkg-go.alioth.debian.org/packaging.html, so could you
please adjust the package names?

Let me know when you want me to take another look.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 8:05 AM, Potter, Tim (Cloud Services) <
timothy.potter at hp.com> wrote:

> Hi Michael.  Thanks for the uploads!
> On 9 Jun 2015, at 5:52 am, Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg at debian.org>
> wrote:
> > * golang-globalconf
> >
> > Please kill debian/patches/0002-fix-path-for-tests.patch and export
> DH_GOLANG_INSTALL_ALL := 1 in debian/rules instead.
> Done.
> > * golang-go-uuid
> >
> > The project has moved to https://github.com/pborman/uuid, can you
> reflect that in the Homepage: field and DH_GOPKG please?
> I’ve updated d/copyright and d/control but not DH_GOPKG just yet.  I’ll
> coordinate patches with fleet and rkt and then do the rename.
> > Additionally, the build fails for me because of a failing test:
> >
> > --- FAIL: TestNodeID (0.00s)
> >       uuid_test.go:315: NodeInterface "" after SetInteface
> I’m not seeing that error.  Do you see this on the first or only
> subsequent runs of the packaging process?
> > * golang-goini
> >
> > Please kill debian/patches/0001-fix-path-for-tests.patch and export
> DH_GOLANG_INSTALL_ALL := 1 in debian/rules instead.
> Done.
> > * golang-go-systemd (>= 2~git20150505)
> >
> > As written in the other thread, please push your changes and I can
> review/sponsor.
> Pushed, including new pristine-tar branch.  Not sure what happened to the
> old one.  There were git-buildpackage tags present but maybe the branch was
> lost somewhere.
> Regards,
> Tim.

Best regards,
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