[pkg-go] gcsfuse -- fuse file system for Google Cloud Storage

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Tue Jul 28 08:05:37 UTC 2015

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 1:09 AM, Aaron Jacobs <jacobsa at google.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Michael Stapelberg
> <stapelberg at debian.org> wrote:
> > As I tried to explain before, we cannot use your vendored copies, and the
> > tarballs we’ll create of your source code will not even contain the
> vendor/
> > directory.
> Sorry, I had totally forgotten that you said this.
> Please forgive me if you've already answered the following, but I can't
> find it
> above: what is the convention for dealing with backwards-incompatible
> changes
> in Go libraries? If the library author tags with semantic versions and
> bumps a

The Go community’s stanza is you should never do backwards-incompatible
changes, AIUI. Personally, I’d publish a new library under a different
import path.

> major version, are you able to cope with that, even if there are some
> binaries
> that need the old version and some that need the new?

I think we’d most likely have to patch packages which have not yet been

> > FWIW, the only blocker currently to get gcsfuse uploaded is
> > https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcsfuse/issues/93
> Cool. I've switched to codegangsta/cli itself, so I believe this shouldn't
> be
> an issue anymore. Tagged v0.4.0 for you to work from.

Indeed. Currently, when building, I get:

# github.com/googlecloudplatform/gcsfuse/fs
src/github.com/googlecloudplatform/gcsfuse/fs/fs.go:203: cannot use fs
(type *fileSystem) as type fuseutil.FileSystem in argument to
*fileSystem does not implement fuseutil.FileSystem (wrong type for
CreateFile method)
have CreateFile(context.Context, *fuseops.CreateFileOp) error
want CreateFile(*fuseops.CreateFileOp) error

I might be able to take a look at that later this evening, but if you
happen to know what the issue is, that might save me some time. I’m
guessing one of the dependencies was changed in a backwards-incompatible
way :).

Best regards,
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