[pkg-go] Bug#796400: Bug#796400: Bug#796400: golang-github-jacobsa-ratelimit: Non-determistically FTBFS due to unreliable timing in tests

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Tue Aug 25 17:13:27 UTC 2015

> > Sure. Are you able to modify the test before running it on the relevant system
> > and find a timing that works reliably?
> lamby, do I have access to the system on which the tests don’t pass?

I fear gaining access to this machine would serve no real purpose; the
solution here is not to bump the values so that the test is "less" flaky
- the test would remain non-determistic and thus this bug would remain
unresolved IMHO, even though it might be harder to trigger.

As a concept, I have no problem with automated solutions to point out
potential performance regressions, but having a testsuite that fails
non-determinstically is generally perceived to be a Bad Idea in software
engineering. Perhaps some sort of switch or environment variable can be
introduced to enable them so that they do not get in the way of the
regular build.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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