[pkg-go] ratt report for golang-blackfriday (1.2+git20150720.80.8cec3a8-1)

Anthony Fok foka at debian.org
Thu Sep 24 20:54:14 UTC 2015

Hello Tianon, Martín and Paul:

Thank you for allowing me to upgrade the golang-blackfriday package
(for the sake of Hugo http://gohugo.io/ , hehe)

And Michael, thank you for creating ratt (“Rebuild All The Things!”).

golang-blackfriday-dev (now golang-github-russross-blackfriday-dev)
is used by two existing source packages, namely go-md2man and

I am happy to report that Blackfriday’s latest upstream snapshot
dated 2015-07-20 passes the Debian ratt test:

    2015/09/24 11:47:37 Loading changes file "golang-blackfriday_1.2+git20150720.80.8cec3a8-1_amd64.changes"
    2015/09/24 11:47:37  - 1 binary packages: golang-blackfriday-dev
    2015/09/24 11:47:37  - corresponding .debs (will be injected when building):
    2015/09/24 11:47:37     golang-blackfriday-dev_1.2+git20150720.80.8cec3a8-1_all.deb
    2015/09/24 11:47:38 Loading sources index "/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_contrib_source_Sources"
    2015/09/24 11:47:38 Loading sources index "/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_main_source_Sources"
    2015/09/24 11:47:40 Loading sources index "/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.us.debian.org_debian_dists_sid_non-free_source_Sources"
    2015/09/24 11:47:40 Building dh-make-golang_0.0~git20150913.0.1221041-1 (commandline: [sbuild --arch-all --dist=unstable --nolog dh-make-golang_0.0~git20150913.0.1221041-1 --extra-package=golang-blackfriday-dev_1.2+git20150720.80.8cec3a8-1_all.deb])
    2015/09/24 11:51:51 Building go-md2man_1.0.4-2 (commandline: [sbuild --arch-all --dist=unstable --nolog go-md2man_1.0.4-2 --extra-package=golang-blackfriday-dev_1.2+git20150720.80.8cec3a8-1_all.deb])
    2015/09/24 11:54:38 Build results:
    2015/09/24 11:54:38 PASSED: dh-make-golang_0.0~git20150913.0.1221041-1
    2015/09/24 11:54:38 PASSED: go-md2man_1.0.4-2

The individual buildlogs are available for your viewing pleasure
at https://people.debian.org/~foka/ratt/buildlogs/

Some notes from the experience (before I forget them):

 1. sbuild tends to just "hang there" without any error message.[1]
    I ran into the same problem, but got around it, thanks to the
    solution posted by Raphaël Hertzog,[2] by changing "--dist=sid"
    to "--dist=unstable" in my local copy of ratt.

    It seems the quick-start instructions at https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild
    configures for "unstable" rather than "sid", though I must admit
    I know little about sbuild, and I was only trying to get ratt
    up-and-running as fast as I could, so I didn’t dig into this.

    [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2015/07/msg00640.html
    [2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2015/07/msg00654.html

 2. The package I used for the ratt test is _not_ the same as the one
    I uploaded, difference being the "ratt test" version has the
    "golang-blackfriday-dev" to "golang-github-russross-blackfriday-dev"
    rename reverted.  Otherwise, sbuild would have the old
    golang-blackfriday-dev (1.2-1) installed instead.

    (go-md2man depends only on golang-blackfriday-dev, whereas dh-make-golang
    depends on golang-blackfriday-dev | golang-github-russross-blackfriday-dev,
    favouring the old package.)

    In retrospect, my use of Conflicts/Provides/Replaces rather than the use
    of a dummy transitional package is probably the culprit, though I
    thought carrying a dummy transitional package is a bit of a burden
    and didn’t go that route.

Overall, the Debian "ratt" experience is awesome, and once sbuild is
configured properly, it is a rather fast and fun experience, taking
only 7 minutes for 2 packages.  I am especially with the buildlog reports
that sbuild generate.  They are comprehensive, and beautiful to look at.
Oooooooooooo!  (/me likes eye candies)


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