[pkg-go] Bug#802507: Bug#802507: runc: FTBFS on non-amd64: undefined: jumpEqualTo et al.

Tianon Gravi admwiggin at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 17:56:35 UTC 2015

On 20 October 2015 at 10:18, Aaron M. Ucko <ucko at debian.org> wrote:
> The issue appears to be that these functions are defined only for that
> architecture (by .../jump_amd64.go), but then used unconditionally.
> Could you please take a look?

As an added note, it looks like
https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/pull/70 was the upstream fix
(and was included in v0.0.4).

- Tianon
  4096R / B42F 6819 007F 00F8 8E36  4FD4 036A 9C25 BF35 7DD4

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