[pkg-go] autopkgtest
Michael Hudson-Doyle
michael.hudson at canonical.com
Fri May 20 04:24:12 UTC 2016
Somehow I don't have Martín's original mail...
On 5 April 2016 at 15:40, Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob at debian.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, 31 March 2016 1:59:14 AM AEST Martín Ferrari wrote:
>> So another approach was mentioned to me: autopkgtest.
>> I know about that project for a while, as I saw pkg-perl people
>> implement it. But I did not follow any of the details. Today I took a
>> deeper look, and it seems that we would benefit tremendously from that!
> It is always nice to use all those lovely practices of Perl team. :)
>> The idea of autopkgtest is to mark packages as having an automated
>> post-build test suite, so the ci.debian.net project would pick them
>> automatically (and also for our own testing).
>> These tests would trigger each time the package or its dependencies are
>> updated, and they consist of installing the package and its
>> dependencies, and running a series of scripts to verify proper
>> behaviour, run unit tests, etc. All executed using the installed package
>> instead of a source tree.
> It seems that Autopkgtest could be useful to run test suites that require
> root priviledges etc.
True. But I'd also be pretty interested in just having the tests run
when dependencies change (and on all architectures for the source
packages that currently just make an _all dev package).
>> Here is the description of how the pkg-perl did their integration,
>> making most of the testing automatic:
>> http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/autopkgtest.html
> Nice. Thanks for this information.
Yeah, I didn't know this automatic test control file thing was
possible! That's cool. I think a go one only needs to run something
GOPATH=/usr/share/gocode go test -short $(perl
-MDebian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems -e 'buildsystems_init(); my $bs =
load_buildsystem("golang"); print(join " ", $bs->get_targets(),
>> I think this would be a great asset for the team. What do you people think?
Absolutely! Seems a patch to autodep8 is the first step?
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