[pkg-go] autopkgtest

Michael Hudson-Doyle michael.hudson at canonical.com
Fri May 20 05:19:47 UTC 2016

On 20 May 2016 at 16:24, Michael Hudson-Doyle
<michael.hudson at canonical.com> wrote:
> Somehow I don't have Martín's original mail...
> On 5 April 2016 at 15:40, Dmitry Smirnov <onlyjob at debian.org> wrote:
>> On Thursday, 31 March 2016 1:59:14 AM AEST Martín Ferrari wrote:
>>> So another approach was mentioned to me: autopkgtest.
>>> I know about that project for a while, as I saw pkg-perl people
>>> implement it. But I did not follow any of the details. Today I took a
>>> deeper look, and it seems that we would benefit tremendously from that!
>> It is always nice to use all those lovely practices of Perl team. :)
>>> The idea of autopkgtest is to mark packages as having an automated
>>> post-build test suite, so the ci.debian.net project would pick them
>>> automatically (and also for our own testing).
>>> These tests would trigger each time the package or its dependencies are
>>> updated, and they consist of installing the package and its
>>> dependencies, and running a series of scripts to verify proper
>>> behaviour, run unit tests, etc. All executed using the installed package
>>> instead of a source tree.
>> It seems that Autopkgtest could be useful to run test suites that require
>> root priviledges etc.
> True. But I'd also be pretty interested in just having the tests run
> when dependencies change (and on all architectures for the source
> packages that currently just make an _all dev package).
>>> Here is the description of how the pkg-perl did their integration,
>>> making most of the testing automatic:
>>> http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/autopkgtest.html
>> Nice. Thanks for this information.
> Yeah, I didn't know this automatic test control file thing was
> possible! That's cool. I think a go one only needs to run something
> like:
> GOPATH=/usr/share/gocode go test -short $(perl
> -MDebian::Debhelper::Dh_Buildsystems -e 'buildsystems_init(); my $bs =
> load_buildsystem("golang"); print(join " ", $bs->get_targets(),
> "\n");')
>>> I think this would be a great asset for the team. What do you people think?
> Absolutely! Seems a patch to autodep8 is the first step?

Something like https://github.com/mwhudson/autodep8/compare/master...go-support

I'll stop mailbombing you all now.


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