[pkg-go] Bug#827219: dh-golang: Built-Using calculation crashes on "golang-google-cloud"

Dmitry Smirnov onlyjob at debian.org
Mon Jun 13 20:36:43 UTC 2016

Package: dh-golang
Version: 1.17
Severity: normal
Control: affects -1 docker.io

dh_golang invocation fails on "golang-google-cloud" as follows:

dpkg-query: no packages found matching golang-google-cloud-compute-metadata-dev, 
dpkg-query -W failed with code 31488,  at /usr/bin/dh_golang line 72. 

because it tries to process the following data:

golang-google-cloud-compute-metadata-dev, golang-google-cloud-dev: /usr/share/gocode/src/google.golang.org/cloud 
golang-google-cloud-compute-metadata-dev: /usr/share/gocode/src/google.golang.org/cloud/compute/metadata 
golang-google-cloud-compute-metadata-dev, golang-google-cloud-dev: /usr/share/gocode/src/google.golang.org/cloud/internal 

Assuming only one package per directory instead of a list.

Also I wish troubleshooting could be improved to print command
and/or the data (or possibly leave temporary file behind on abort).


 Dmitry Smirnov
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