[pkg-go] go binary-only package

Erick Cardona erick0zcr.dev at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 19:05:43 UTC 2016

Hey Tim,

Now that I'm more familiar with the Debian go packaging tools, this is the
work I've done so far: https://github.com/01org/ciao/pull/394/files, I was
wondering if you're still interested in giving some feedback, which will be
really appreciated. Fortunately, all the dependencies are in the Debian
archive already, and I was able to construct the .deb for this project.
Now I'm reading about all the process of becoming a Debian
contributor/maintainer, I would like to join the go packaging team.

PS: I skip the tests because some are expected to fail, I'm currently
working on how to skip only those.

Erick Cardona

2016-07-20 17:53 GMT-05:00 Potter, Tim (HPE Linux Support) <
timothy.potter at hpe.com>:

> On 21 Jul 2016, at 8:13 AM, Michael Hudson-Doyle <
> michael.hudson at canonical.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 21 July 2016 at 07:39, Erick Cardona <erick0zcr.dev at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi Tim and thanks!
> >>
> >> I'm just using a random upstream repository(github) and trying to
> package it
> >> using the Debian tools. Actually dh-make-golang does all the magic and
> now
> >> I'm able to create the .deb with the binaries and sources in it. I don't
> >> know why yesterday it wasn't including the binaries in the .deb
> package, but
> >> now is working like a charm. Today I was messing it with cowbuilder and
> >> pbuilder stuff and it works. I'll take a closer look on how those tools
> work
> >> under the hood.
> >>
> >> Question: If some projects have their dependencies in the vendor dir,
> why
> >> dh-make-golang skip those? Does Debian packages never ship the deps in
> that
> >> way?
> >
> > It is against debian policy:
> > https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-embeddedfiles
> Right - it's highly preferred that vendored dependencies are unbundled
> from the
> upstream and added as Build-Dependencies to the package.  Unfortunately
> this
> can be a lot of work depending on the number of dependencies and nested
> dependencies.  For a small package it's usually not a problem.
> I haven't figured out what the best way is to create an upstream source
> orig.tar.gz
> file that doesn't contain the vendored source though.  For packages with
> releases
> (as opposed to snapshots of the master branch) you can use Files-Excluded
> in debian/copyright and then uscan can download and repack the upstream
> source.  Not sure what the best idea for git snapshot packages is yet.
> Tim.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > mwh
> >
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