[pkg-go] Bug#835336: influxdb: FTBFS in testing (go generate returned exit code 1)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Wed Aug 24 14:03:09 UTC 2016

Package: src:influxdb
Version: 0.13.0+dfsg1-4
Severity: serious

Dear maintainer:

I tried to build this package on stretch with dpkg-buildpackage -A and
sbuild and it failed with an error like this:

go generate -v -ldflags=-X main.version=0.13.0 github.com/[...]
 [ very long list, see attach for details] returned exit code 1

I attach five different build logs on two different virtual machines.
The builds were made on a virtual machine having either 6GB or 3GB of RAM,
and 4GB of swap.

I was able to build version 0.10.2+dfsg1-2 without problems.

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