[pkg-go] "use of internal package not allowed" running dh-make-golang

Potter, Tim (HPE Linux Support) timothy.potter at hpe.com
Thu Nov 17 00:38:49 UTC 2016

Hi Michael and everyone.  I'm running dh-make-golang to grab the source for a new snapshot
of containerd, and get the following error:

# dh-make-golang -git_revision 0366d7e github.com/docker/containerd
2016/11/16 14:02:29 Downloading "github.com/docker/containerd/..."
go get: 202.79 MiB
package github.com/docker/containerd/vendor/src/golang.org/x/net/trace
	imports golang.org/x/net/internal/timeseries: use of internal package not allowed
package github.com/docker/containerd/vendor/src/google.golang.org/grpc
	imports google.golang.org/grpc/internal: use of internal package not allowed
2016/11/16 14:12:26 Could not create a tarball of the upstream source: exit status 1

It looks like the vendored dependencies that have internal packages, x-net and golang-grpc,
here are trying to be imported while being built using a longer package name: github.com/docker/containerd/vendor/src/google.golang.org/grpc vs google.golang.org/grpc
but I don't understand why.

My guess is that this was always happening but only now produces an error as upstreams
are only just starting to add internal packages to their code.

Any ideas on how to proceed?  I was going to do something awful and rename the internal
packages but would not be happy with that long-term.


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