[pkg-go] Bug#848406: Bug#848406: hugo: FTBFS (failing tests)

Dr. Tobias Quathamer toddy at debian.org
Wed Dec 21 20:11:08 UTC 2016

control: tag -1 pending
control: block -1 by 848700

Am 17.12.2016 um 12:57 schrieb Santiago Vila:
> Package: src:hugo
> Version: 0.16-2
> Severity: serious
> Dear maintainer:
> I tried to build this package in stretch with "dpkg-buildpackage -A"
> (which is what the "Arch: all" autobuilder would do to build it)
> but it failed:


this is fixed by the new upstream release of hugo, already prepared in 
our git repository. The upload is just waiting for the last new package 
to be accepted by FTP-Masters, which is now a Build-Dependency.

ITP: <https://bugs.debian.org/848700>


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