[pkg-go] Bug#856834: tendermint-go-rpc: FTBFS: panic: Failed to listen to unix:///tmp/go-rpc.sock: listen unix /tmp/go-rpc.sock: bind: address already in use

Jack Henschel jackdev at mailbox.org
Mon Mar 6 10:36:02 UTC 2017

Control: tag -1 +patch

This problematic is actually documented in the code:

> var (
>        tcpAddr  = "tcp://"
>        unixAddr = "unix:///tmp/go-rpc.sock" // NOTE: must remove file for test to run again
>        websocketEndpoint = "/websocket/endpoint"
> )

Patch is attached and I also pushed a commit onto the branch 'fix-ftbfs-856834' at https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-go/packages/tendermint-go-rpc.git

Would be great if someone uploaded the (fixed) package.

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