[pkg-go] Bug#856139: certspotter: long description advertises commercial service

Faidon Liambotis paravoid at debian.org
Fri Aug 4 17:57:10 UTC 2017

On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 03:53:13PM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Long description includes a paragraph starting with the following:
> > Cert Spotter is also available as a hosted service by SSLMate that
> > requires zero setup [...]
> That paragraph is irrelevant for this package - please drop it.

This is a tricky case indeed and I can see both sides of this.

I lean towards keeping it though, for the following reasons:

- It is somewhat relevant to the package: it's useful to know that one
  can instead use a hosted version of the software, which by the way is
  free for up to 5 domains, without going through the trouble of setting
  it up.

- If one has more domains than that, they can either switch to
  certspotter, or they can pay for the commercial service, and in doing
  so, pay the bills for the author of this software. The author
  essentially open-sourced the software that powers his small business,
  and I see nothing wrong with him profiting from it.

- It is part of the original description of the author. Me explicitly
  going against their wishes and removing that harmless sentence could
  be seen as offensive and antagonizing them.
At worst, this is "irrelevant" as you put it, but it's just an extra
sentence. At best, it's somewhat helpful to users, and potentially
helpful to us maintaining a good relationship with our upstream and them
profiting a tiny bit from producing free software.


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