[pkg-go] [PATCH] dakweb: add /golang/import_paths query

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Sun Oct 22 16:41:52 UTC 2017

Please keep me CC'ed, I’m not subscribed to debian-dak.

Please consider merging the following patch which you can find
attached to this email or at
https://github.com/stapelberg/dak/tree/golang. Thank you!

This query will replace a heuristic in dh-make-golang(1) and help us resolve
Go build dependencies into Debian build dependencies accurately.
 dakweb/dakwebserver.py   |  1 +
 dakweb/queries/golang.py | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dakweb/queries/golang.py

diff --git a/dakweb/dakwebserver.py b/dakweb/dakwebserver.py
index 0ddc10cf..bd6b62ff 100755
--- a/dakweb/dakwebserver.py
+++ b/dakweb/dakwebserver.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from queries.archive import *
 from queries.madison import *
 from queries.source import *
 from queries.suite import *
+from queries.golang import *

 # Set up our initial database connection
 d = DBConn()
diff --git a/dakweb/queries/golang.py b/dakweb/queries/golang.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c343424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dakweb/queries/golang.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+"""Golang related queries
+ at contact: https://pkg-go.alioth.debian.org/
+ at copyright: 2017 Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg at debian.org>
+ at license: GNU General Public License version 2 or later
+import bottle
+import json
+from daklib.dbconn import DBConn, MetadataKey
+from dakweb.webregister import QueryRegister
+ at bottle.route('/golang/import_paths')
+def import_paths():
+    """
+    Returns a mapping of Go import path to Debian binary package name and
+    corresponding Debian source package name.
+    @rtype: dictionary
+    @return: A list of dictionaries of
+             - binary
+             - source
+             - importpath
+    """
+    s = DBConn().session()
+    conn = s.connection()
+    res = conn.execute("""
+        binaries.package,
+        source.source,
+        source_metadata.value AS importpath
+    FROM
+        binaries LEFT JOIN
+        source ON (binaries.source = source.id) LEFT JOIN
+        source_metadata ON (source.id = source_metadata.src_id) LEFT JOIN
+        metadata_keys ON (source_metadata.key_id = metadata_keys.key_id)
+    WHERE
+        metadata_keys.key = 'Go-Import-Path'
+        binaries.package,
+        source.source,
+        source_metadata.value;
+    """)
+    out = [{'binary': res[0], 'source': res[1], 'importpath': res[2]}
for res in res]
+    s.close()
+    return json.dumps(out)
+QueryRegister().register_path('/golang/import_paths', import_paths)
-------------- next part --------------
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