[pkg-go] Bug#880293: golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: cd _build && go test -v -p 1 github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/testing returned exit code 1
Lucas Nussbaum
lucas at debian.org
Mon Oct 30 20:01:33 UTC 2017
Source: golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient
Version: 0.0+git20160622-2
Severity: serious
Tags: buster sid
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20171030 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on
Relevant part (hopefully):
> debian/rules build
> I: golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient_0.0+git20160622
> I: UDATE=2016-06-22 00:00:00+00:00
> dh build --buildsystem=golang --with=golang --builddirectory=_build
> dh_update_autotools_config -O--buildsystem=golang -O--builddirectory=_build
> dh_auto_configure -O--buildsystem=golang -O--builddirectory=_build
> dh_auto_build -O--buildsystem=golang -O--builddirectory=_build
> cd _build && go install -gcflags=\"-trimpath=/<<BUILDDIR>>/golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient-0.0\+git20160622/_build/src\" -asmflags=\"-trimpath=/<<BUILDDIR>>/golang-github-fsouza-go-dockerclient-0.0\+git20160622/_build/src\" -v -p 1 github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/testing
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/blkiodev
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/strslice
> github.com/docker/go-connections/nat
> github.com/docker/go-units
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm
> github.com/docker/docker/api/types
> github.com/docker/docker/opts
> github.com/Sirupsen/logrus
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system
> github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/user
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools
> golang.org/x/net/context
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/pools
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/promise
> github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/system
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir
> github.com/docker/docker/pkg/stdcopy
> github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp
> github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient
> github.com/gorilla/context
> github.com/gorilla/mux
> github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/testing
> dh_auto_test -O--buildsystem=golang -O--builddirectory=_build
> cd _build && go test -v -p 1 github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/testing
> === RUN TestAuthLegacyConfig
> --- PASS: TestAuthLegacyConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAuthBadConfig
> --- PASS: TestAuthBadConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAuthAndOtherFields
> --- PASS: TestAuthAndOtherFields (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAuthConfig
> --- PASS: TestAuthConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAuthCheck
> --- PASS: TestAuthCheck (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageMultipleContextsError
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageMultipleContextsError (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageContextDirDockerignoreParsing
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageContextDirDockerignoreParsing (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageSendXRegistryConfig
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageSendXRegistryConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN TestChangeString
> --- PASS: TestChangeString (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewAPIClient
> --- PASS: TestNewAPIClient (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewTSLAPIClient
> --- PASS: TestNewTSLAPIClient (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewVersionedClient
> --- PASS: TestNewVersionedClient (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewVersionedClientFromEnv
> --- PASS: TestNewVersionedClientFromEnv (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewVersionedClientFromEnvTLS
> --- PASS: TestNewVersionedClientFromEnvTLS (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewTLSVersionedClient
> --- PASS: TestNewTLSVersionedClient (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewTLSVersionedClientInvalidCA
> --- PASS: TestNewTLSVersionedClientInvalidCA (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewClientInvalidEndpoint
> --- PASS: TestNewClientInvalidEndpoint (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewClientNoSchemeEndpoint
> --- PASS: TestNewClientNoSchemeEndpoint (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNewTLSClient
> --- PASS: TestNewTLSClient (0.00s)
> === RUN TestEndpoint
> --- PASS: TestEndpoint (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetURL
> --- PASS: TestGetURL (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetFakeUnixURL
> --- PASS: TestGetFakeUnixURL (0.00s)
> === RUN TestError
> --- PASS: TestError (0.00s)
> === RUN TestQueryString
> --- PASS: TestQueryString (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAPIVersions
> --- PASS: TestAPIVersions (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPing
> --- PASS: TestPing (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPingFailing
> --- PASS: TestPingFailing (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPingFailingWrongStatus
> --- PASS: TestPingFailingWrongStatus (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPingErrorWithUnixSocket
> --- PASS: TestPingErrorWithUnixSocket (0.01s)
> === RUN TestClientStreamTimeoutNotHit
> --- PASS: TestClientStreamTimeoutNotHit (0.50s)
> === RUN TestClientStreamTimeout
> --- PASS: TestClientStreamTimeout (0.20s)
> === RUN TestClientStreamTimeoutUnixSocket
> --- PASS: TestClientStreamTimeoutUnixSocket (0.20s)
> === RUN TestStateString
> --- PASS: TestStateString (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStateStateString
> --- PASS: TestStateStateString (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListContainers
> --- PASS: TestListContainers (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListContainersParams
> --- PASS: TestListContainersParams (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListContainersFailure
> --- PASS: TestListContainersFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectContainer
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectContainerNetwork
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainerNetwork (0.00s)
> container_test.go:495: swl-net
> container_test.go:506: swl-net 7ea29fc1412292a2d7bba362f9253545fecdfa8ce9a6e37dd10ba8bee7129812
> === RUN TestInspectContainerNegativeSwap
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainerNegativeSwap (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectContainerFailure
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainerFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestContainerChanges
> --- PASS: TestContainerChanges (0.00s)
> === RUN TestContainerChangesFailure
> --- PASS: TestContainerChangesFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestContainerChangesNotFound
> --- PASS: TestContainerChangesNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainer
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerImageNotFound
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerImageNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerDuplicateName
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerDuplicateName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerWithHostConfig
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerWithHostConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUpdateContainer
> --- PASS: TestUpdateContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainer
> --- PASS: TestStartContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerHostConfigAPI124
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerHostConfigAPI124 (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerNilHostConfig
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerNilHostConfig (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerAlreadyRunning
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerAlreadyRunning (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainer
> --- PASS: TestStopContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestStopContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainerNotRunning
> --- PASS: TestStopContainerNotRunning (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRestartContainer
> --- PASS: TestRestartContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRestartContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestRestartContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPauseContainer
> --- PASS: TestPauseContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPauseContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestPauseContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUnpauseContainer
> --- PASS: TestUnpauseContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUnpauseContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestUnpauseContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestKillContainer
> --- PASS: TestKillContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestKillContainerSignal
> --- PASS: TestKillContainerSignal (0.00s)
> === RUN TestKillContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestKillContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainer
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainerRemoveVolumes
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainerRemoveVolumes (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestResizeContainerTTY
> --- PASS: TestResizeContainerTTY (0.00s)
> === RUN TestWaitContainer
> --- PASS: TestWaitContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestWaitContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestWaitContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainer
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerParams
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerParams (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerFailure
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerLogs
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerLogs (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainer
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerSentinel
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerSentinel (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerNilStdout
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerNilStdout (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerNilStderr
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerNilStderr (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerStdinOnly
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerStdinOnly (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerRawTerminalFalse
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerRawTerminalFalse (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachToContainerWithoutContainer
> --- PASS: TestAttachToContainerWithoutContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLogs
> --- PASS: TestLogs (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLogsNilStdoutDoesntFail
> --- PASS: TestLogsNilStdoutDoesntFail (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLogsNilStderrDoesntFail
> --- PASS: TestLogsNilStderrDoesntFail (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLogsSpecifyingTail
> --- PASS: TestLogsSpecifyingTail (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLogsRawTerminal
> --- PASS: TestLogsRawTerminal (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLogsNoContainer
> --- PASS: TestLogsNoContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNoSuchContainerError
> --- PASS: TestNoSuchContainerError (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNoSuchContainerErrorMessage
> --- PASS: TestNoSuchContainerErrorMessage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExportContainer
> --- PASS: TestExportContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExportContainerViaUnixSocket
> --- PASS: TestExportContainerViaUnixSocket (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExportContainerNoId
> --- PASS: TestExportContainerNoId (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUploadToContainer
> --- PASS: TestUploadToContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestDownloadFromContainer
> --- PASS: TestDownloadFromContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCopyFromContainer
> --- PASS: TestCopyFromContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCopyFromContainerEmptyContainer
> --- PASS: TestCopyFromContainerEmptyContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPassingNameOptToCreateContainerReturnsItInContainer
> --- PASS: TestPassingNameOptToCreateContainerReturnsItInContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAlwaysRestart
> --- PASS: TestAlwaysRestart (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRestartOnFailure
> --- PASS: TestRestartOnFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRestartUnlessStopped
> --- PASS: TestRestartUnlessStopped (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNeverRestart
> --- PASS: TestNeverRestart (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTopContainer
> --- PASS: TestTopContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTopContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestTopContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTopContainerWithPsArgs
> --- PASS: TestTopContainerWithPsArgs (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStatsTimeout
> --- PASS: TestStatsTimeout (0.10s)
> === RUN TestStats
> --- PASS: TestStats (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStatsContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestStatsContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRenameContainer
> --- PASS: TestRenameContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGet
> --- PASS: TestGet (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExists
> --- PASS: TestExists (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetBool
> --- PASS: TestGetBool (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetBool
> --- PASS: TestSetBool (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetInt
> --- PASS: TestGetInt (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetInt
> --- PASS: TestSetInt (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetInt64
> --- PASS: TestGetInt64 (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetInt64
> --- PASS: TestSetInt64 (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetJSON
> --- PASS: TestGetJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetJSONAbsent
> --- PASS: TestGetJSONAbsent (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetJSONFailure
> --- PASS: TestGetJSONFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetJSON
> --- PASS: TestSetJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetJSONFailure
> --- PASS: TestSetJSONFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestGetList
> --- PASS: TestGetList (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetList
> --- PASS: TestSetList (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSet
> --- PASS: TestSet (0.00s)
> === RUN TestDecode
> --- PASS: TestDecode (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetAuto
> --- PASS: TestSetAuto (0.00s)
> === RUN TestMap
> --- PASS: TestMap (0.00s)
> === RUN TestEventListeners
> --- PASS: TestEventListeners (0.09s)
> event_test.go:250: 0: Received: &{pull image {busybox:latest map[]} pull busybox:latest 1442421700 1442421700598988358}
> event_test.go:250: 1: Received: &{create container {5745704abe9caa5 map[image:busybox]} create 5745704abe9caa5 busybox 1442421716 1442421716853979870}
> event_test.go:250: 2: Received: &{attach container {5745704abe9caa5 map[image:busybox]} attach 5745704abe9caa5 busybox 1442421716 1442421716894759198}
> event_test.go:250: 3: Received: &{start container {5745704abe9caa5 map[image:busybox]} start 5745704abe9caa5 busybox 1442421716 1442421716983607193}
> event_test.go:250: 4: Received: &{create container {dfdf82bd3881 map[image:base:latest]} create dfdf82bd3881 base:latest 1374067924 0}
> event_test.go:250: 5: Received: &{start container {dfdf82bd3881 map[image:base:latest]} start dfdf82bd3881 base:latest 1374067924 0}
> event_test.go:250: 6: Received: &{stop container {dfdf82bd3881 map[image:base:latest]} stop dfdf82bd3881 base:latest 1374067966 0}
> event_test.go:250: 7: Received: &{destroy container {dfdf82bd3881 map[image:base:latest]} destroy dfdf82bd3881 base:latest 1374067970 0}
> event_test.go:250: 8: Received: &{create container {a925eaf4084d5c3bcf337b2abb05f566ebb94276dff34f6effb00d8ecd380e16 map[HealthCheck:HttpGet HealthCheckArgs: ServicePort_8080:17801 image:datanerd.us/siteeng/sample-app-go:latest name:sample-app-client-go-69818c1223ddb5 HAProxyMode:http]} create a925eaf4084d5c3bcf337b2abb05f566ebb94276dff34f6effb00d8ecd380e16 datanerd.us/siteeng/sample-app-go:latest 1459133932 1459133932961735842}
> === RUN TestTLSEventListeners
> 2017/10/30 15:43:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
> 2017/10/30 15:43:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
> 2017/10/30 15:43:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
> 2017/10/30 15:43:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
> 2017/10/30 15:43:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
> 2017/10/30 15:43:22 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
> --- FAIL: TestTLSEventListeners (0.35s)
> event_test.go:250: 0: Received: <nil>
> event_test.go:252: 0: wanted: &docker.APIEvents{Action:"pull", Type:"image", Actor:docker.APIActor{ID:"busybox:latest", Attributes:map[string]string{}}, Status:"pull", ID:"busybox:latest", From:"", Time:1442421700, TimeNano:1442421700598988358}
> got: (*docker.APIEvents)(nil)
> === RUN TestEventListenerReAdding
> --- PASS: TestEventListenerReAdding (0.02s)
> === RUN TestExecCreate
> --- PASS: TestExecCreate (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExecStartDetached
> --- PASS: TestExecStartDetached (0.00s)
> exec_test.go:78: {{"Detach":true,"InputStream":null,"OutputStream":null,"ErrorStream":null,"RawTerminal":false}}
> === RUN TestExecStartAndAttach
> --- PASS: TestExecStartAndAttach (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExecResize
> --- PASS: TestExecResize (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExecInspect
> --- PASS: TestExecInspect (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListImages
> --- PASS: TestListImages (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListImagesParameters
> --- PASS: TestListImagesParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN TestImageHistory
> --- PASS: TestImageHistory (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveImage
> --- PASS: TestRemoveImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveImageNotFound
> --- PASS: TestRemoveImageNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveImageExtended
> --- PASS: TestRemoveImageExtended (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectImage
> --- PASS: TestInspectImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectImageNotFound
> --- PASS: TestInspectImageNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImage
> --- PASS: TestPushImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImageWithRawJSON
> --- PASS: TestPushImageWithRawJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImageWithAuthentication
> --- PASS: TestPushImageWithAuthentication (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImageCustomRegistry
> --- PASS: TestPushImageCustomRegistry (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImageNoName
> --- PASS: TestPushImageNoName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImage
> --- PASS: TestPullImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImageWithRawJSON
> --- PASS: TestPullImageWithRawJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImageWithoutOutputStream
> --- PASS: TestPullImageWithoutOutputStream (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImageCustomRegistry
> --- PASS: TestPullImageCustomRegistry (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImageTag
> --- PASS: TestPullImageTag (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImageNoRepository
> --- PASS: TestPullImageNoRepository (0.00s)
> === RUN TestImportImageFromUrl
> --- PASS: TestImportImageFromUrl (0.00s)
> === RUN TestImportImageFromInput
> --- PASS: TestImportImageFromInput (0.00s)
> === RUN TestImportImageDoesNotPassesInputIfSourceIsNotDash
> --- PASS: TestImportImageDoesNotPassesInputIfSourceIsNotDash (0.00s)
> === RUN TestImportImageShouldPassTarContentToBodyWhenSourceIsFilePath
> --- PASS: TestImportImageShouldPassTarContentToBodyWhenSourceIsFilePath (0.00s)
> === RUN TestImportImageShouldChangeSourceToDashWhenItsAFilePath
> --- PASS: TestImportImageShouldChangeSourceToDashWhenItsAFilePath (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageParameters
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageParametersForRemoteBuild
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageParametersForRemoteBuild (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageMissingRepoAndNilInput
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageMissingRepoAndNilInput (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageMissingOutputStream
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageMissingOutputStream (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageWithRawJSON
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageWithRawJSON (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageRemoteWithoutName
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageRemoteWithoutName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTagImageParameters
> --- PASS: TestTagImageParameters (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTagImageMissingRepo
> --- PASS: TestTagImageMissingRepo (0.00s)
> === RUN TestIsUrl
> --- PASS: TestIsUrl (0.00s)
> === RUN TestLoadImage
> --- PASS: TestLoadImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExportImage
> --- PASS: TestExportImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExportImages
> --- PASS: TestExportImages (0.00s)
> === RUN TestExportImagesNoNames
> --- PASS: TestExportImagesNoNames (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSearchImages
> --- PASS: TestSearchImages (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSearchImagesEx
> --- PASS: TestSearchImagesEx (0.00s)
> === RUN TestVersion
> --- PASS: TestVersion (0.00s)
> === RUN TestVersionError
> --- PASS: TestVersionError (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInfo
> --- PASS: TestInfo (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInfoError
> --- PASS: TestInfoError (0.00s)
> === RUN TestParseRepositoryTag
> --- PASS: TestParseRepositoryTag (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListNetworks
> --- PASS: TestListNetworks (0.00s)
> === RUN TestFilteredListNetworks
> --- PASS: TestFilteredListNetworks (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkInfo
> --- PASS: TestNetworkInfo (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkCreate
> --- PASS: TestNetworkCreate (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkRemove
> --- PASS: TestNetworkRemove (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkConnect
> --- PASS: TestNetworkConnect (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkConnectWithEndpoint
> --- PASS: TestNetworkConnectWithEndpoint (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkConnectNotFound
> --- PASS: TestNetworkConnectNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkDisconnect
> --- PASS: TestNetworkDisconnect (0.00s)
> === RUN TestNetworkDisconnectNotFound
> --- PASS: TestNetworkDisconnectNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListVolumes
> --- PASS: TestListVolumes (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateVolume
> --- PASS: TestCreateVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectVolume
> --- PASS: TestInspectVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveVolume
> --- PASS: TestRemoveVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveVolumeNotFound
> --- PASS: TestRemoveVolumeNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveVolumeInUse
> --- PASS: TestRemoveVolumeInUse (0.00s)
> exit status 1
> FAIL github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient 1.502s
> === RUN TestNewServer
> --- PASS: TestNewServer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestServerStop
> --- PASS: TestServerStop (0.00s)
> === RUN TestServerStopNoListener
> --- PASS: TestServerStopNoListener (0.00s)
> === RUN TestServerURL
> --- PASS: TestServerURL (0.00s)
> === RUN TestServerURLNoListener
> --- PASS: TestServerURLNoListener (0.00s)
> === RUN TestHandleWithHook
> --- PASS: TestHandleWithHook (0.00s)
> === RUN TestSetHook
> --- PASS: TestSetHook (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCustomHandler
> --- PASS: TestCustomHandler (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCustomHandlerRegexp
> --- PASS: TestCustomHandlerRegexp (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListContainers
> --- PASS: TestListContainers (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListRunningContainers
> --- PASS: TestListRunningContainers (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainer
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerWithNotifyChannel
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerWithNotifyChannel (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerInvalidBody
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerInvalidBody (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerDuplicateName
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerDuplicateName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateMultipleContainersEmptyName
> --- PASS: TestCreateMultipleContainersEmptyName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerInvalidName
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerInvalidName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateContainerImageNotFound
> --- PASS: TestCreateContainerImageNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRenameContainer
> --- PASS: TestRenameContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRenameContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestRenameContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainer
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerComplete
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerComplete (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerWithTag
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerWithTag (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerInvalidRun
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerInvalidRun (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCommitContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestCommitContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectContainer
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestInspectContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTopContainer
> --- PASS: TestTopContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTopContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestTopContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTopContainerStopped
> --- PASS: TestTopContainerStopped (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainer
> --- PASS: TestStartContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerChangeNetwork
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerChangeNetwork (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerWithNotifyChannel
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerWithNotifyChannel (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartContainerAlreadyRunning
> --- PASS: TestStartContainerAlreadyRunning (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainer
> --- PASS: TestStopContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestKillContainer
> --- PASS: TestKillContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainerWithNotifyChannel
> --- PASS: TestStopContainerWithNotifyChannel (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestStopContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStopContainerNotRunning
> --- PASS: TestStopContainerNotRunning (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPauseContainer
> --- PASS: TestPauseContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPauseContainerAlreadyPaused
> --- PASS: TestPauseContainerAlreadyPaused (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPauseContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestPauseContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUnpauseContainer
> --- PASS: TestUnpauseContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUnpauseContainerNotPaused
> --- PASS: TestUnpauseContainerNotPaused (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUnpauseContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestUnpauseContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestWaitContainer
> --- PASS: TestWaitContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestWaitContainerStatus
> --- PASS: TestWaitContainerStatus (0.00s)
> === RUN TestWaitContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestWaitContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachContainer
> --- PASS: TestAttachContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestAttachContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestAttachContainerWithStreamBlocks
> --- PASS: TestAttachContainerWithStreamBlocks (0.50s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainer
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainerByName
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainerByName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainerRunning
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainerRunning (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveContainerRunningForce
> --- PASS: TestRemoveContainerRunningForce (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImage
> --- PASS: TestPullImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPullImageWithTag
> --- PASS: TestPullImageWithTag (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImage
> --- PASS: TestPushImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImageWithTag
> --- PASS: TestPushImageWithTag (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPushImageNotFound
> --- PASS: TestPushImageNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTagImage
> --- PASS: TestTagImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTagImageWithRepoAndTag
> --- PASS: TestTagImageWithRepoAndTag (0.00s)
> === RUN TestTagImageNotFound
> --- PASS: TestTagImageNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListImages
> --- PASS: TestListImages (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveImage
> --- PASS: TestRemoveImage (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveImageByName
> --- PASS: TestRemoveImageByName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveImageWithMultipleTags
> --- PASS: TestRemoveImageWithMultipleTags (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPrepareFailure
> --- PASS: TestPrepareFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPrepareMultiFailures
> --- PASS: TestPrepareMultiFailures (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveFailure
> --- PASS: TestRemoveFailure (0.00s)
> === RUN TestResetMultiFailures
> --- PASS: TestResetMultiFailures (0.00s)
> === RUN TestMutateContainer
> --- PASS: TestMutateContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestMutateContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestMutateContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageWithContentTypeTar
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageWithContentTypeTar (0.00s)
> === RUN TestBuildImageWithRemoteDockerfile
> --- PASS: TestBuildImageWithRemoteDockerfile (0.00s)
> === RUN TestPing
> --- PASS: TestPing (0.00s)
> === RUN TestDefaultHandler
> --- PASS: TestDefaultHandler (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateExecContainer
> --- PASS: TestCreateExecContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectExecContainer
> --- PASS: TestInspectExecContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartExecContainer
> --- PASS: TestStartExecContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartExecContainerWildcardCallback
> --- PASS: TestStartExecContainerWildcardCallback (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStartExecContainerNotFound
> --- PASS: TestStartExecContainerNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStatsContainer
> --- PASS: TestStatsContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestStatsContainerStream
> --- PASS: TestStatsContainerStream (0.20s)
> === RUN TestListNetworks
> --- PASS: TestListNetworks (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateNetwork
> --- PASS: TestCreateNetwork (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateNetworkInvalidBody
> --- PASS: TestCreateNetworkInvalidBody (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateNetworkDuplicateName
> --- PASS: TestCreateNetworkDuplicateName (0.00s)
> === RUN TestListVolumes
> --- PASS: TestListVolumes (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateVolume
> --- PASS: TestCreateVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestCreateVolumeAlreadExists
> --- PASS: TestCreateVolumeAlreadExists (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectVolume
> --- PASS: TestInspectVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInspectVolumeNotFound
> --- PASS: TestInspectVolumeNotFound (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveVolume
> --- PASS: TestRemoveVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveMissingVolume
> --- PASS: TestRemoveMissingVolume (0.00s)
> === RUN TestRemoveVolumeInuse
> --- PASS: TestRemoveVolumeInuse (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUploadToContainer
> --- PASS: TestUploadToContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestUploadToContainerMissingContainer
> --- PASS: TestUploadToContainerMissingContainer (0.00s)
> === RUN TestInfoDocker
> --- PASS: TestInfoDocker (0.00s)
> ok github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/testing 0.798s
> dh_auto_test: cd _build && go test -v -p 1 github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient github.com/fsouza/go-dockerclient/testing returned exit code 1
The full build log is available from:
A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!
About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.
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