[pkg-go] Migration plans for lists.alioth.debian.org

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Tue Feb 6 07:33:00 UTC 2018

I did that, yes.

On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 7:22 AM, Alexandre Viau <aviau at debian.org> wrote:

> Hello Michael!
> > * One of the list owners must reply to the email we will sending in
> > the next few days to confirm they would like the list to be migrated.
> Can you confirm that you have done that?
> Cheers,
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Migration plans for lists.alioth.debian.org
> Resent-Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 14:30:18 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From: debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org
> Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 14:29:46 +0000
> From: Dominic Hargreaves <dom at earth.li>
> To: debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org
> Dear fellow developers,
> Following on from the announcement in September[1] and subsequent
> discussions[2] we are now in a position to announce further details
> of the replacement service for lists.alioth.debian.org.
> Whilst we recognise that most use cases will eventually served by
> other systems, given the widespread use of these lists it is
> desirable to provide some continuity beyond the alioth shutdown
> date.
> The new service will be called alioth-lists.debian.net and will
> handle email sent to lists.alioth.debian.org after shutdown. It
> will be run by Debian Developers (currently Dominic Hargreaves,
> Alex Muntada and Bernhard Schmidt). Migration of lists will be to
> another mailman installation, with config, subscribers and archives
> all intact. An HTTP redirector will be provided by the DSA team so
> that existing archive URLs continue to work.
> The date of the migration is yet to be fixed but will need
> to be be in late March or early April to ensure it is complete before
> the alioth system needs to be shut down.
> This is not intended to supercede the advice to make use of other
> services where appropriate, such as lists.debian.org for eligible
> lists, tracker.debian.org or salsa, but does enable other lists
> such as package team maintenance lists, to have a home in the
> short term. The service will be reviewed for viability and
> usefulness after one release cycle, as the expectation is that
> over time many lists will find a natural home elsewhere.
> Both to avoid migrating unused lists, and to ensure we migrate
> data with consent, we will only migrate lists where this has been
> specifically requested:
> * One of the list owners must reply to the email we will sending in the
>   next few days to confirm they would like the list to be migrated.
> * Such requests will need to be received no later than March 15th 2018.
> * Lists that have no active list owners will need to appoint
>   some new list owners to take control of the list first. If you believe
>   this applies to a list you use and that you would like to see migrated,
>   please let us know by emailing <admin at alioth-lists.debian.net>.
> Requesting a migration in this way will ensure that your mailing
> list @lists.alioth.debian.org will continue to work after the
> migration date.
> For more information, see
> <https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/MailingListContinuation>, and to
> contact the team, use <admin at alioth-lists.debian.net>.
> Best wishes,
> the alioth-lists migration team.
> [1] <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2017/09/msg00004.html>
> [2] <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/09/msg00270.html>

Best regards,
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