[pkg-go] RFS: irtt/0.9-1 [ITP] (#888985)

Clément Hermann nodens at nodens.org
Wed Feb 7 11:01:54 UTC 2018

On 07/02/2018 11:39, Pete Heist wrote:
> Ah, ok. IRTT has an API, but it's not published yet. I think a
> binary-only package may be better at this point, and a separate source
> package later when that’s ready? If you agree, could you suggest a
> simple, current binary package hosted on github as a good example?

You can have a single upstream package and produce 2 binary packages -
it's a bit more complicated though. Hence the example of Debian Code Search.

> Debian Code Search? Though its compat version is 8. I just liked how the
> debian directory is hosted right in the github repo, which brings me to
> another question...
> Is it possible to maintain everything on github, or does it need to be
> on alioth, and if so, what is a good workflow for when I want to pull in
> changes from upstream for a new release?

Usually you would host the packaging on Alioth (soon salsa.debian.org),
and leave the upstream on github. Debian Code Search is a bit different
since it's specific to Debian. That doesn't change the usefulness of the
example for binary/api separation though.

Regarding the workflow, the easiest is to tag your releases on github
(you probably already do it anyway) and merge the upstream remote in the
upstream branch on alioth/salsa every time you want to release (the tag
isn't mandatory, it's just easier, and allows for a debian/watch file).


> Hrm, any idea why I'm seeing large differences in lintian output? I
> didn’t see any warnings before I posted, but I do see new ones after the
> .lintianrc changes, just they look completely different...
> $ cat /etc/debian_version 
> 9.3
> $ lintian --version
> Lintian v2.5.50.4
> $ cat .lintianrc 
> display-info = yes
> display-experimental = yes
> pedantic = yes
> show-overrides = no
> color = auto
> $ lintian ~/src/github.com/peteheist/irtt/dpkg/irtt_0.9-1_amd64.changes
> <http://github.com/peteheist/irtt/dpkg/irtt_0.9-1_amd64.changes>
> P: irtt source: debian-watch-may-check-gpg-signature
> I: irtt: hardening-no-fortify-functions usr/bin/irtt
> I: irtt: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/irtt writeN written
> I: irtt: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/irtt ot to
> I: irtt: hardening-no-bindnow usr/bin/irtt
> I: irtt: hardening-no-pie usr/bin/irtt
> P: irtt: no-upstream-changelog
> Also, some of the warnings (like compat-version) just come from output
> from dh-make-golang, which I just installed with ‘apt-get install
> dh-make-golang’. Do I need a newer version?

You're expected to run unstable (Sid) for packaging work. At least in a
virtual machine.

By the way, it's also a good practice to actually build the package in a
chroot (using git-buildpackage pbuilder options for instance), to avoid
build-depends issues.



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