[pkg-go] GitLab CI: git-buildpackage and ratt

Martín Ferrari tincho at tincho.org
Thu Mar 1 13:41:39 UTC 2018

On 01/03/18 07:58, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> I’m assuming you have read https://pkg-go.alioth.debian.org/ci.html
> already. If not, start there.

I had read it, but it was good to read it again.

> Instead of sharing the knowledge only on mailing list posts, I would
> strongly prefer to extend ci.html such that it makes sense to everyone
> and is easily discoverable.
> Could you pose a few specific questions, which I’ll try to answer
> through updates of ci.html? Thanks!

I think the problem is that I don't know anything about Gitlab and its
CI infrastructure.. My main questions would be:

* Where does all this run?
* How does it communicate with gitlab?
* What kind of control do we have over it?

Sorry for the very basic questions..

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)

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