[pkg-go] Bug#896712: ITP: golang-github-dataence-porter2 -- Native Go English Porter2 stemmer

Aaron M. Ucko ucko at debian.org
Tue Apr 24 15:47:01 BST 2018

jrmarsha <jrmarsha at mtu.edu> writes:

> Reviewing the performance claims, I don't see data validating the 660%
> speed up.

Surgebase is the old name for the Dataence implementation.  I'm not sure
what's up with the name change, and am inclined to deploy a symlink
allowing imports under either name.  ncbi-entrez-direct looks for this
library under the surgebase path, so I'll need to accommodate the
formal discrepancy on one side or the other.

That said, I suppose it is best to leave off the specific performance
numbers.  I generally just cribbed the description from the first
paragraph of README.md with minimal cleanup; as I noticed shortly after
hitting Send, I even accidentally left English uncapitalized.  I'll
clean the description up properly before uploading.

> Also, having looked at libdivsufsort and SACA-K, I think
> the code could use some more comparisons.

Please feel free to send a patch for consideration. ;-)

> It does look neat though.


> Also, why is this going through the bug list?

I X-Debbugs-Cc:ed pkg-go-maintainers (and debian-med) as a courtesy, in
addition to debian-devel; the copy routed through pkg-go-maintainers
evidently reached you first.  I'm now openly copying both specialized
lists, and leaving -devel off.

> I am not a mod, so don't worry all too much about me.

I appreciate your feedback regardless.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
http://www.mit.edu/~amu/ | http://stuff.mit.edu/cgi/finger/?amu@monk.mit.edu

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